Micah 6

One could summarize Micah 6 as the Court and Justice system of God. Israel and Judah alike were, in a sense, had been on probation. Both violated their probation. Micah (including Isaiah) was not the judge, but he was, in a courtroom sense, the speaker for the jury and judge. (Most quotes are from the NKJV unless otherwise specified)

Micah 6:1 Hear now what the LORD says: “Arise, plead your case before the mountains, And let the hills hear your voice [NKJV]. We have heard the statement, “If only the walls could talk”. Here the witnesses against God’s chosen is the very land in which they lived. There is no indication that Micah was specifically addressing either the northern or the southern kingdoms of Israel or Judah. He is a spokesperson for the judge [God]. Micah lays out the facts. He lists the evidence of God’s multiple interventions and protection from the beginning of time for the sake of God’s chosen representatives meaning descendants of Abraham. This actually goes back to Genesis 3:15. The offspring to which is referenced through Eve is the eventual chosen people of Abraham.

Micah 6:2 is self-evident. It is Israel as a whole, not the church to whom these prophecies are given to be chosen, judged, and redeemed. “…For the LORD has a complaint against His people, And He will contend with Israel. The original KJV says God will PLEAD with Israel. The NKJV states “contend with Israel.” This is evident beginning in the next verse (v3).

Micah 6:3O My people, what have I done to you? And how have I wearied you? Testify against Me.

Wearied you? Testify against Me?

Wearied you in the Hebrew according to Strong [H3811] is lâ’âh. It is a bit odd that God would suggest through Micah that somehow HE has tired of his chosen people through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In short, The leaders to whom Micah is addressing think that God has asked too much of them when all he has done for them is for their sake? How can this be? Can they not be satisfied with him as their Lord? This is a good question to ask of our own worship and living practices. Have we wearied of trying to live a life for Christ? Does one feel God’s expectations to be too much?  Has one ever thought…what does God expect from me?

Testify against me: Since this chapter setting is a type of court room, Micah’s use of these words appropriately. Testify [against me] in the Hebrew is ‛am. Here is where a *concordance is handy when doing Bible study. The use of ‛am addresses Israel as a people to try and counter what Micah mentions God has done for them up to this point in history; theirs and ours. In a comparable sense it is likened to a defense attorney’s time in the courtroom. Isn’t this so reflective of doing a favor for someone but the favor forgotten so quickly?

*A Bible concordance is an alphabetical listing of words and phrases found in the Bible and shows where the terms occur throughout all books of Scripture. A Lexicon will also be of great help.

Micah 6:4 & 5 (read these two verses first) Moses spoke the law from Acacia Grove.

Gilgal is a similar place.  It is the launching place for Israel’s original invasion of Palestine. Joshua is commanded of God to conquer their Promised lands and bring God’s judgement upon the evil Canaanites. These people descended from Ham, a son of Noah.

Micah now debriefs his audience of what God has done for Israelis.

  1. Brought out of Egypt after 400+ years with their last years being heavily labored servants of the Pharaoh and the Kingdom of Egypt.
  2. The attempt of the King of Moab to hire Balaam (a prophet) to prophesy against Israel. god made it so that only blessings came out of his mouth…not what he intended but that is what happened.
  3. Moses spoke the law from Acacia Grove. [Deuteronomy 10:3, Leviticus 1:1-17, *Numbers 25:1-18]
    1. http://delrifkah.homestead.com/Numbers_25_1-18.pdf
  4. Gilgal is from where Joshua launched the invasion of Canaan, aka, their Promised Lands.
    1. From here Israel celebrated their first Passover Feast IN CANAAN.
    2. Gilgal is from where Abraham hundreds of years earlier erected his first alter to God according to Genesis 12:6&7.

In Micah 6:6 &7 Micah takes or assumes the position of D.A. per his audiences on trial for violating probation of the past. He juxtaposes by contrasting and comparing their thoughts into what one might call their defense. Today one might say “so what will it take to make it right” but with a mocking defense. Israelis and their leaderships pose their defense with a defiant attitude. Note that they only speak of things other than a personal commitment to their God as His chosen people. They know what to do but wish to continue in the life they have and try to “tithe” their way out of God’s judgement. This is a personal insight, but there are those who do the same thing today?

Micah 6:8 is his reply to the sarcastic defense in verses 6 and 7 from his own countrymen of Israeli descent.

“He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?”

Micah’s reply is posed as a question to which his audience already knew the answer. Not to make a comparison between Socrates and Micah but this approach in today’s language is called a Socratic reply. To do so means to question the question in order to bring the other person or persons to a conclusion they should already know.

JIV NOTE: Socrates is given credit for this approach to what should be obvious answers to questions given in one’s attempt to defend his or her actions, attitudes, or position in life. Socrates was not born for another 100 years.

“He has shown you”: Commentariat David Guzik puts it so well in addressing this verse in Micah 6:8. “You act as if it is some mystery what I require of you. In point of fact it is no mystery at all. I have shown you clearly what is good and what I require of you.

Micah 6:9Hear the rod! Who has appointed it? Most have heard a discussion or even been a participant of something that reflects: I hear but reject or do not wish to accept. One listens but does not take the advice or counsel given. God is the rod! Too often we see church banners or ignorant people who quote or bend scripture to their advantage. One of them is “GOD IS LOVE.” Few wish deny this as a fact, but forget to mention that GOD IS totally JUST. The self-limiting of this passage in I John 4:8 is to ignore the first 10 words of the same verse. ”But anyone who does not love does not know God.” The Books of Job, Luke, and Acts address the justness of God; One gets what one deserves: judgement.

Acts 17:31 is specific per Jesus (NT) also being just. Christ will judge the world in righteousness. The Book of James in chapter 1 verses 19-27 summarizes Acts 17:31 plus what Micah is telling his own Israelite kindred, we must be doers of the Message of God, not just hearers.

Micah 6:10 from verse 9 to the end of chapter 6, Micah explains the judgement of the wicked, those who reject or try to make God what they want him to be.

  1. Unfair or unbalanced scales of commerce or personal lives; cheating or deceitful exchange
  2. The tongue in their mouths speak deceit. Many of the wealthy Israelites are evil doers for the sole purpose of profit
  3. Should God overlook the sinful deeds of people?

Now the consequences:

  1. I God will make you sick (v13). Yikes! Does this smack in the face of those who wish to put all blame for illnesses and bad things on Satan and his minions?
  2. The wicked will never find satisfaction. This reminds me of a 1965 rock and roll song sung by the Rolling Stones titled “(I) Can’t Get No Satisfaction.” They were certainly no gospel group but their point in the song when taken to real life experience reflect verse 6:14.
  3. Verse 14 continues…that of which one gains will be taken by another by sword, deceit, unbalanced scales, robbery and even court.
  4. Verse 15 continues with their just judgement… they will sow but not reap; harvest the fruit of their labors but have no benefit from it; tread the grapes but NOT drink of it. In short. Micah is prophesying that most of their efforts to gain will be lost to others. This happened to the Northern Kingdom of Israel in 722 B.C. The Assyrians conquered and transported the ten northern Tribes of Israel OUT OF THEIR LANDS. 120 years later, the Southern kingdom was forcibly removed by the Babylonians. Others were brought it to occupy what was Israeli lands.

Micah points out that the people will continue to walk in the wickedness of two specific and evil kings of the Northern Kingdom; King Ahab and King Omri. Ahab is of Jezebel fame (Elijah). Omri was the father of Ahab. What Omri taught his son Ahab was without God in his mind, actions, judgements, or way of reigning the Northern Kingdom of Israel.

PS: 2 Kings 9:8 tells us about the consequence of future “male” descendants of Grandpa Omri and father Ahab. [NIV] “The whole house of Ahab will perish. I will cut off from Ahab every male in Israel—slave or free.”

Rev. Dr. Jstark

Micah 5 Part 2

Micah 5:7-15 [click on Micah to read this passage)

NKJV: A Remnant shall be saved.

One needs to go back to verse 6, the last sentence, to continue in verse 7. In Micah *5:6b it identifies Assyria being defeated in the land of Israel. History, both secular and Biblical, tells us that Assyria totally dispersed the ten Tribes of Israel in the Northern Kingdom in 722 B.C. This happens just a few years after Micah prophesies of this dispersion. Is this a conflicting statement? Not if one realizes that the people of Assyria, Israel’s greatest long-time enemies, in the eyes of Micah, is prophetic of Israel’s End Time enemies. They are marching into the lands of Israel and attacking Jerusalem to do one thing; eliminate their occupation of the Promised lands.. Even after the return of a handful of Judean captives from Babylon, at that time controlled by the Persians and the Medes, over 160 years later, the northern ten tribes did not return to a land of their own. Only a few returned to the land that the Romans would soon thereafter rename Palestine, but not to a kingdom of Israel.

* He (God/Jesus) shall deliver us from the Assyrian, When he comes into our land And when he treads within our borders.

In our previous narrative commentary, Micah 5:1-5 we skipped over a sentence in verse 5. It reads in the NKJV: “We will raise against him seven shepherds and eight princely men.” The meaning of this 7 and 8 may be related to Ecclesiastes 11:2. Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz [tries to] identify this passage of 7 shepherds and 8 anointed ones of Israel this way:

The “seven shepherds,” the prophet refers to are Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Joseph, and David. The “eight princes of men” — Jesse, Saul, Samuel, Amos, Zephaniah, Zedekiah, the Messiah, and Elijah.

We cannot verify this as being the people to which Micah infers but those in Judaism believe it to be these men. If Rabbi Steinsaltz means a future anointed one called Messiah and not Jesus, we know he has one that is wrong or misidentified.

Back to Micah 5:7-15…

Micah 5:7 When one thinks of a remnant it is assumed to be something of a left over. This is NOT what Micah 5:7 is saying… “And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many peoples.” If one stops reading at this point it reads like the left over’s from the previous evening’s meal (pun intended). We do learn that Israelis will be scattered amongst many different people in the four corners of the earth. This makes verse 7 a prophetic future. At the time of Micah’s prophecies, the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah were still intact. Micah 5:7 does not end here. This remnant or those of Jacob DNA who are alive and on the face of the earth (in that day) will be like the morning dew or showers on a blade of grass (paraphrased). This means they are widespread, very numerous and mixed well with the Gentiles. This part of Micah’s prophecy is true even as we write this commentary.

JIV: Verse 7 does not say or allude to the Christian church of believers. It is all about Israel and Israelites.

Micah 5:8 affirms verse 7… “And the remnant (those of Jacob’s DNA who are living when this prophecy reveals itself) of Jacob shall be among the nations, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the beasts of the forest, like a young lion among the flocks of sheep (who both tramples and tears in pieces if he passes through) and there is no one to snatch back.”

Shall be among the nations; in the midst of many (different) peoples. This references *Jacob’s descendants. Many people in the mix of nations and people today do not realize s/he is even of Jacob’s DNA. As ancestries are checked universally by science, this will be a huge revelation. Authorities will know (yadda) who is and who is not a remnant of Israelis. The world of antisemitism will not be apoplectic. This is not even so today. These DNA Israelis will not be able to run and hide other than to escape back to the land of their ancestors, ISRAEL, hoping for protection from the outside world. We may suggest this is or one of the tools used to “call his (God’s) people home.” They were not scattered throughout the world by choice, mostly by force. Why not consider that they will be returned in a similar manner? All through scripture, God had to force the hand of his chosen. Modern DNA records may just be the ultimate delivery and fulfillment of the beginnings of the Millennial Kingdom.

*We do not know other than by speculation if descendants of Jacob includes Samaritan types…mixed offspring.

For one of the few times in scripture, Israel and Israelis are described as a lion instead of sheep being led to slaughter or under the shepherd’s staff.


Micah 5:9 underscores Israel being the lion. Your hands shall be high above your foes, and all your enemies shall be cut off. Take this for precisely what it states. Israelis come out on top when Jesus sits on the Throne of David in Jerusalem. Let’s not forget that he will rule with a scepter or rod of iron [Revelation 2:27]. We explained this in our Revelation narrative commentary in ahabiblemoments. Briefly put, the word “rod” in Revelation is translated from the word shepherd. It can also be symbolic of authority. Jesus will rule with full authority on earth. Satan is bound in the bottomless pit for 1,000 years. At this time sin or rejecting the leadership in Jerusalem is a personal decision with no influence of Satan or his minions.

(cf. https://www.thetruthstandsforever.com/the-lord-will-rule-with-a-rod-of-iron.html) We recommend this web site to enhance a Bible student’s knowledge. This is not a full endorsement of what they write.

                                                            We teach – You decide

Micah 5:10 shifts identities to the pagan Gentile world. Once again as we have pointed out many times in ahabiblemoments narrative commentaries we read “in that day.” Strong (H3117) puts it this way: a space of time defined by an associated term. The Millennial Reign is certainly a space in time (1,000 years) and it is associated with Jesus ruling the world from Jerusalem.

The rest of verse 10 explains that the means of war will then be eliminated. It will be a fulfillment of Micah 4:3, Psalm 46:9, John 16:8-11, etc.

Micah 5: 11-15 explains the stretch and reach of God’s arm.

  1. All man-made strongholds will be destroyed. This includes missiles, war ships, space artillery…any form of weaponry.
  2. Soothsayers will be no more. This includes all false doctrine, religions, fake and false news.
    1. Every decision will be a personal choice meaning wrong may still happen in one’s heart.
    1. This must be so since Satan, once released from his 1,000 year bondage, will recruit a human military force to go up against Jesus in Jerusalem.
  3. The works of human hands will no longer be of any significance.
  4. Dominant cities will be no more. No UN is another way of translating verse 14.
    1. Most Bible translations state the destruction of cities. God is not going to leave or assign mankind to a wilderness during his Millennial reign. He will bring to naught then remove cities and nations. Goodbye UN. No longer needed!
    1. Those who fight against God once Satan is released from the bottomless pit, will suffer His judgement. [Romans 2:6]

Rev. Dr. Jstark

Micah 4

Jeremiah26:17-19 describes how a hundred years later, the impact of Micah had was remembered in the Kingdom of Judah: Then certain of the elders of the land rose up and spoke to all the assembly of the people, saying: “Micah of Moresheth prophesied in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, and spoke to all the people of Judah, saying, ‘Thus says the LORD of hosts: “Zion shall be plowed like a field, Jerusalem shall become heaps of ruins, And the mountain of the temple Like the bare hills of the forest.”‘ Did Hezekiah king of Judah and all Judah ever put him to death? Did he not fear the LORD and seek the Lord’s favor? And the Lord relented concerning the doom which He had pronounced against them. But we are doing great evil against ourselves. Do we get this? No one to blame but our-self says Micah.

I don’t get it?

Micah’s life overlapped his prophetic years with the Kingdom of Israel and their destruction by the Assyrians in 722/721 B.C. We know from Jeremiah that this passage from the Book of Micah is targeting those within the Kingdom of Judah. Micah in his book speaks individually to citizens of the Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Israel, sometimes as a group (the sons of Jacob).

Micah 4:1-5. In the last or latter days it shall come to pass, … — The first three verses in Micah are also found in Isaiah 2:2-4. Since Micah and Isaiah were contemporary, this should be no surprise that the two prophets knew and communicated with each other perhaps over their calling as prophets and as messengers from God to their own people of Israelis. Who originated this common passage found in both Isaiah and Micah? God inspired every word according to Timothy 3:16: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God.” It was God who made the in-common Isaiah and Micah statement. Let’s look a bit closer to what is said by Micah and Isaiah, concentrating a bit more on Micah. They prophesied at the same time in a Judah and Israel situation of a split nation; two separate kingdoms.

Micah 4:6 is truly prophetic. It is discussing End Time either at the onset of the Millennial Kingdom or during the Tribulation. Most likely at the beginning of the Millennial Kingdom.”In that day,” says the LORD, “I will assemble the lame,
I will gather the outcast And those whom I have afflicted…”

Once again, we are confronted with these incredible three words…in that day. We know that this is a future event yet to become a history-prophecy since verse 6 also states that those who were cast out (of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel) will be gathered back together. This has yet to happen at the writing of this narrative commentary. Who is the “I” in Micah 4:6? It is not Micah. It is God speaking to and through Micah. We find affirmation of this in verse 7. Who was cast out? Micah! Not his contemporary Isaiah even though both prophesied at the same time to their own people, the Israelites.

Micah 4:7 the outcast will be made a strong NATION. Who else could this possibly be other than Israel? European, Far East, and American continent countries are not even hinted at. Even as we write, Israel is the strong nation sandwiched between Arab/Muslim nations and the Mediterranean Sea. There are multiple millions of Israelis (a people we often identify albeit incorrectly, as Jews) who have yet to be called home by God. Ezekiel 39:28 specifically states that “not one will be left scattered in the world.” Consider the gravity of this promise. NOT ONE Israelite will be left outside of the new Israel. Obviously in 2021 this is a work in progress. Millions of Israeli DNA still reside in the four corners of the earth.

Verse #7 continues using the NKJV: “So the LORD will reign over them in Mount Zion from now on, even forever.” This needs no explanation. The Lord will reign over them. From where? Heaven? This is not what Ezekiel tells us. He will reign over them in Mount Zion. This is in Israel just east of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is at times identified in scripture as the city of (in) Zion. FROM NOW ON EVEN FOREVER.

Micah 4:8 is not referencing a flock of sheep. Micah is using a metaphor identifying the flock of Israelites God chose as HIS elect to shepherd as sheep themselves. The “tower” identified in verse 8 references a shepherding practice back then. With a large flock of sheep, shepherds might build a tower. A tower that is high enough to give them a better view of their flock and potential predators. God is saying the same thing. He will shepherd his people from the tower or high viewpoint of Mount Zion. Again, this is a metaphor. God/Jesus does not require a high place to watch over anything (Zechariah 14:10).

“…To you shall it come, Even the former dominion shall come, The kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem.” The former dominion is the promise God made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob… a permanent Promised Land. This “prophetic Promised Land” will be the daughter of the former ISRAEL in Bible times. It will be bigger and better; reigned over by Jesus himself. We have discussed in previous commentary the boundaries and borders of the New Promised Lands of Israel. 1,500 Strada by 1,500 Strada – 1,200 miles square. This is larger than India.

Micah 4:8 again uses the words “daughter of.” First it is a daughter of a future Israeli Kingdom. In verse 8 it is the “daughter of Zion” and the city of Jerusalem. We should note that the Tribes of Israel (Jacob) will once again be one people. No longer, as Ezekiel states, will there be a divided nation of Israel; one that is two kingdoms.  Judah and Israel will be reunited, and their borders will, in that day, far exceed what was ever accomplished or dreamed of before.

Micah 4:9 might appear a bit out of step with verses 10 and 11. Micah calls the question in verse 9, why do you cry out as in pain? Commentaries vary in explaining verses 10 and 11. We see this as a single thought. A woman awaiting the birth of her new-born daughter or son will often cry out in her labor. It is traumatic. However, how quickly that pain or the thought of it subsides when the new child (in this section of Micah, a symbolic daughter) is born. However, in verse 10 Micah proclaims, it will “Be in Pain.” This is the Tribulation time IN THAT DAY.

Micah 4:10 Why be in pain? These Judeans and the remnants of the ten northern tribes of Israel who fled to Judah over a hundred years earlier, will certainly be in great pain of captivity by the Babylonians. Even those not within the cities but in the open fields will be uprooted from their homes, villages, cities, and their beloved Kingdom of Judah. They will be marched a long distance to Babylon or die in their travels. Daniel? Shadrach? Meshach? Abednego? As a woman giving birth to a child, once these labor pains are over, a fresh new life will be in their hands… the daughter city of King David’s original Jerusalem. In That Day.

Let us not get ahead of our thinking and conclusions. Micah identifies Babylon as from where they will initially be freed. Redeemed, as in paid for, is not what happened after Judah’s 70-year captivity in Babylon. They were not redeemed but once again freed. This is all about End Time redemption. Israel will once again be under great (labor) pains (Jeremiah 30:7) as even today UN nations align themselves against her. Jerusalem will suffer great losses. Israelis will need to flee to the mountains, deserts, and the former mountain area of the Edomites. Isaiah 13, Ezekiel 37, Matthew 24, Jeremiah 30 all speak to this prophecy.

Micah 4:11 identifies that this condemnation, then reprieve, is not limited prophetically to Babylon but also to a global event yet to happen. Jews in the United States are by far the majority of religious-based victims. Anti-Semitism is spreading globally amongst people and nations.

“And now, gathered against thee have been many nations, who are saying: `Let her be defiled, and our eyes look on Zion.’” This is a gathering of armies from all nations aligning themselves for the destruction of Jerusalem and Israel as a sovereign nation. Look at this from a spiritual viewpoint. Satan has fought against and tried to destroy everything God has created. He has a particular desire to destroy God’s chosen people of Israel. His target is all humanity whether one follows Jesus Christ or not. New Testament scripture tells us that God wishes all to be saved. Satan wishes just the opposite…that none will be saved.

This battle is not against flesh and blood, but the powers of Satan (Ephesians 6:12). This gathering against Israel in End Time is Satan trying to take down the people God identified through Abraham as his elect, his chosen, HIS people. Such a battle in and around Jerusalem in End Time will not make Satan the winner. The slaughter of the invading national armies will be great. Satan’s goal is to prevent any of the people of the world from entering into the Kingdom of Heaven. His time is limited in a history yet to be lived. He knows the end, his end, is in sight. He only wishes to take as many with him into the Lake of Fire as possible. He knows it is over for him.

Micah 4:12But they do not know the thoughts of the LORD, Nor do they understand His counsel; For He will gather them like sheaves to the threshing floor”. The “THEY” referred to here is those who descend from the 12 Tribes of Israel (Jacob).

Micah 4:13Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion; For I will make your horn iron, And I will make your hooves bronze; You shall beat in pieces many peoples; I will consecrate their gain to the LORD, And their substance to the Lord of the whole earth.”

Rev. Dr. Jstark

Micah 3

It is ill indeed with a people when their leaders cause them to err. This should be the subtitle of this chapter. Many most leaders in this world need this tattooed on their forearm. It should be posted on the wall of each leader’s office. When should a believer stand up and protest an edict given to them by “leaders” then refuse to participate? The correct solution is follow God’s Word.

Joseph Benson states…[Leaders] who speak smooth things, and promise peace and prosperity to the people, while they are bringing destruction upon them.” Destruction comes in many forms. Economic, social, political, personal, and forbid it but in worship edicts. This also includes Bible subject matter church leaders will not challenge due to social and political correctness versus the Bible. Horrors!

Micah 3:1 There is a shift in chapter three many may fail to see. Micah has been talking, writing, and prophesying to a general Hebrew (Israelite) population. Now he is focused on the leadership in both the northern and southern Kingdoms of Israel and Judah; “heads of Jacob and the rulers of the house of Israel.” This is the cost of leadership. S/he is representing their flock or constituents and should (will) be held accountable. God will judge. THERE is a guarantee; no one will be discriminated against or excused.

David Guzik puts verse 2 in Micah 3 into its proper perspective. “’You who hate good and love evil’: If this description isn’t bad enough, Micah goes on to illustrate how terribly the leaders of Israel and Judah ‘use’ the people – as if they were cannibals feasting on the people of God” [emphasis mine]. This is true in the United States at the time of writing this commentary. It is also true throughout the world. USA does not have a corner on that market. Another way of stating You who hate good and love evil is to say, ‘one hates honesty as it may infringe but their life and practice of deception’.

Micah 3:3 is a total metaphor. It is a continuation of the focus and accusation Micah makes in verse 2. There is no regard for the welfare of any people outside of the inner circles of the influential and prosperous be they political or religious leaders. Does this tinge of our leaders in 2021? Is this not the same path and direction this world is heading? Leaders of Israel AND Judah in the time of Micah are ripe on the vine of “what’s in it for me”. The consequences of this type of thinking are explained in the next verse. It is not farfetched to say what was consequential back in the time of Micah is true today and getting worse.

Micah 3:4 Who are the “THEN THEY” that opens verse 4? It is the leadership of both Israel and Judah. We found over 60 verses regarding judgment in the New Testament even though Micah is Old Testament. One verse that is basic but covers it well is found in I Peter 4:17…[NKJV] For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? This needs little explanation. Many will deny this as a possibility, just as did those within earshot of Micah’s prophesying, but that will not make judgement go away. It didn’t then and won’t in our End Time judgement at both the Bema Seat judgement [I Corinthians 3:10-15] and the Great White Throne judgments [Revelation 20:11-15].

The leadership will cry for mercy, but God will NOT listen. One might say “That isn’t fair?” Let us at Aha Bible Moments remind all that God is love but we leave out the word that comes before the word love…He is Just(ice) Love. James 4:12 makes this quite clear… “There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy; but who are you who judge your neighbor?” [NIV]

Micah 3:5 has a startling 5 words we tend to read through and past… ”who make my people stray (err)” Has the reader of this commentary contemplated the words in this passage “MY PEOPLE”. If one is not a follower of God/Jesus, is s/he a part of the MY PEOPLE? We teach – You decide but anyone who is not a follower of Christ is already astray.

NOTE: The verse reading “prophet leading others astray.” The word for prophet in this verse is nâbı̂y’ (naw-bee’). It generally translates as one who is inspired and committed to a cause, just or unjust. The Hebrew for a prophet, as most may think it, is nâba’, not nâbı̂y’. The latter means those called of God to foretell.

 Micah 3:6 We need to add a bit of insight per this verse:

[NKJV] “Therefore you shall have night without vision, And you shall have *darkness [NKJV: dark] without divination; The sun shall go down on the prophets, And the day shall be dark for them. *The KJV says “…it shall be dark unto you.” The word dark is used twice but their meanings are different. The first use means to withhold light (insight) or to be dimmed (in understanding; 2 Timothy 3:7). The second use of dark means to mourn or to be ashy or dark in color. The latter implicates something is now difficult that once was not. It is a moment in time.

KJV on verse 6: “darkness without divination.” Simply put, leaders in all realms of life, on this day in time, soothsayers (false leaders) will have no insight and not know what to do to handle situations around them and in their own lives.This is true today of some who stand behind pulpits.

Micah 3:7 The Geneva Commentary is excellent in explaining verse 7. When God will reveal them to the world, they will be afraid to speak; for all will know that they were but false *prophets, and did give a false notion of the word of God. We hastened to add to this per the Hebrew use of the word prophet, seers, diviners in this verse. This includes the final 3½ years of the Tribulation. There will be such a lack of understanding the blind will lead the blind [Matthew 15:14].

Micah 3:8 It should be obvious that the elephant in the room is all Israelis. Micah declares himself as “full of the Spirit of the Lord”. He speaks again of the house of Jacob, that means all Israelis, the break away tribes of the Kingdom of Israel and Judah. He repeats this identity in verse 9. Do not be deceived by those who wish to include the church of born-again Christians in this Book of Micah. Micah repeats the identities so often one must be totally without eyesight to not take note. Israel and Israelis!

(V8a) “But truly I [Micah speaking] am…” This word “truly” in the Hebrew means “on the contrary.” Contrary to what or who? Contrary to what Micah has conveyed in chapter 3 up to verse 8. He is telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so helps him God!

In Micah 3:9 he says it again. He identifies the target market of his prophecies. Israel and all Israelis!

Micah 3:10 Zion is a mountain area within and around Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the people of all Israel. Sometimes readers confuse the two, Zion and Jerusalem, or interchange their meaning. He is specifically speaking of a territory and a people.

Micah 3:11 (11b) “Is not the lord among us? No harm can come upon us.” This truly is hypocrisy at its best/worse. As states in other passages of the Old Testament, Israel is hiding behind the Temple of God. As pointed out in our narrative commentary on Jeremiah, verse 7:4, “Don’t fool yourselves! My temple is here in Jerusalem, but that doesn’t mean I will protect you. [CEV].

Please note: We do not often quote from the CContemporary EEnglish Version, and it is not our recommended primary Bible resource, but in this setting, it says it well. Even in the End of Time, church pew dwellers will shout, “we have attended church some, most, or all of our lives. Why are we in court at the Great White Throne Judgment Seat?” They will try to hide behind the church (as in building called a church. Israelis call it their Temple) not understanding the New Testament identity of the church is a body of individual believers.

Allow us to conclude Micah 3 by quoting from David Guzik’s commentary:

“The great thing about the Prophet Micah was that he was listened to. Hosea was ignored, and so was Amos. They threw Jeremiah in jail for his prophetic message of coming judgment. In contrast, King Hezekiah and the leadership of Judah listened to the Prophet Micah.” Did you get this? Judah responded to Micah correctly, but the Northern Kingdom of Israel did NOT! Less than 20 years after this point in time, the ten northern Tribe of Israelis fell to the evil, demoralizing, and heinous Assyrians (722 B.C.).

JIV: As we mentioned before, is it any wonder Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria? God was giving them one more chance. They took advantage of it in the time of Jonah and were temporarily kept from divine intervention. But their confessions did not last long.

JIV Insight: In the midst of Micah’s life, before and after, is the life of the Prophet Isaiah. The chronology of the books in the Bible do not suggest this, but it is true. Our next narrative commentary after Micah will be the Book of Nahum. He tells Nineveh of Assyria, Game Over!

Rev. Dr. Jstark