Zechariah Chapter 10

The availability of God’s strength means there are opportunities for us to use it. “The Lord does not say, ‘I will take you away from your labors,’ but ‘I will strengthen you, so that you will be able to perform, them.’ ” (Spurgeon)

Zechariah chapter 10 is a continuation of chapter 9 but more intense. It is the restoration of Judah and Israel meaning the Tribes of *Jacob (Israel) once again identifying as one nation, under G-d. This is not yet true [2020]. The majority of the population in Israel today are the descendants of the remnant who returned from Babylonian captivity. Multiple millions of sons of Jacob are still missing. Many are still missing their true DNA of being an Israelite. We identify them by other names today. Whatever it is that keeps them from returning to their true Promised Land is ignorance or deliberate denial.

*We add this Asterix because some translations use the term Joseph to reference the regathering of the ten northern Tribes of Jacob.

Zechariah 10:1 specifically inserts the call for rain in a prayer is God’s alone to answer. The call for rain is a metaphor for prayer itself. Ask and it will be given unto you [Matthew 7:7 & Luke 11:9]. So why do some of our prayers seem to be unanswered. Read this website’s previous chapter commentaries on Zechariah [cf. chapter 9]. We ask (pray) for the wrong reasons. We celebrate certain traditions and call it worship. We make God to be what we want him to be instead of us making ourselves what God wants us to be. The prayer may ask for something that is NOT God’s will for us. NO is an answer as much as is a YES. There are no MAYBES in scripture. Doesn’t Matthew 6:33 instruct us to seek first the kingdom of God and HIS righteousness?” Zechariah infers a question when he asks if or when his people gather to worship G-d.  Is it a tradition as in some form of “doing church”?

Proverbs 16:2 All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the LORD.

Zechariah 10:3 as does 11:3 has debatable answers as to who are the shepherds. We do NOT KNOW who the shepherds Zechariah identifies as outside Gods will. Some suggest it is the Jewish priests who are the shepherds of the Judaism flock. Some identify these shepherds as political leaders. Others say these shepherds are the false prophets of the “in that day” in Israel. Whomever Zechariah identifies as the shepherds in 10:3 we can safely conclude God’s anger is kindled against them. Perhaps the answer is found in the word “goats.” Goats are not sheep. In the final judgement after the Millennial Reign of Christ, as we read in Matthew 25:32, God the Father will distinguish between the flock of sheep and the goats mixed in with the flock of sheep.

Zechariah 10:4 “…out of him…” Adam Clarke Commentary identifies this “him” as meaning the Tribe of Judah. When we take verse 3 in context and add verse 4 in sequence, this makes sense. “out of him the battle bow.” Back up a to Zechariah 9:13. “I will bend Judah as I bend my bow and fill it with Ephraim.” Here we find a grouping of Judah and the missing ten Tribes of Israel once again working together. It would not be heresy to consider that Zechariah is talking about the rejoined Tribes of Israel, not just Judah.

JIV NOTE: Most of Israel today (2020) is the former lands of Judah and Benjamin. This may be why Zechariah identifies this land as Judah. Bend Judah to make space for other returning Israelis. Just as is a bow with an arrow being stretched to fire, this land will be stretched to capacity.

This chapter is all about the reunification of all Israelis. The New American Standard Bible translates Zechariah 9:13: “For I will bend Judah as My bow, I will fill the bow with Ephraim.” Recall the white horse and horseman of the apocalypse has a rider without any arrows [Revelation 6:1 & 2]. This apocalyptic horseman was no arrows. He can only use persuasion. This is not what Zechariah is saying in 10:4. In Zechariah TRUTH is in his quiver of arrows evidenced by the sudden return of millions of Israelis to Jerusalem and Israel. Perhaps [and this is JIV] the white apocalypse horse and horseman with the empty bow indicates that at his arrival Israelis have not fully returned to their Promised Lands. He makes peace with Israel “AS-IT-IS” today. 3 ½ years later he turns on them and their rebuilt temple.


Zechariah 10:5 uses the term “they.” This is plural so we have bow and arrows now working together. Is verse 4 and 5 a sequence of events? Insert Revelation 6:1, 2 between Zechariah 10: 4 and 5 and it makes sense. It is difficult to connect the dots until one knows where to find the dots.

Zechariah 10:6 gives us insight per God’s plans for a reunited Israel; His chosen people. “I will strengthen the house of Judah, And I will save the house of Joseph. I will bring *them back…” We see they are identified as ONE. *the ten lost tribes of Israel. This adds logic to the sequence of events stated in our previous paragraph regarding verses 4 and 5.

When scripture uses the term Joseph, Ephraim, or Israel it often means the ten northern Tribes of Israel, distinct from Judah. In Zechariah 10:7 the name Ephraim is grouping the ten northern tribes. Ephraim was one son of Joseph. Ephraim was often the leader with the most influence in the Kingdom of Israel to the north. [cf. I Chronicles 5:2]

Zechariah 10:8 is the only time we can find in scripture where the sound of a hiss or a whistling is mentioned get the attention of someone else. It is the same thing as one might read “pssst” in a book prior to a conversation. It is not a shout, a proclamation, an order, or a routing together. God gets the attention of the scattered Israelis just as God spoke to Moses in the burning bush. This attention-getting pssst, whistle, or hiss is focused to only God’s chosen people. They have not had God’s attention for 2,000 to 3,000 years, then suddenly comes that from behind or over the shoulder pssst. “I hist for them, and I gather them, For I have redeemed them…” [YLT; Young’s LITERAL Translation].

The YLT is a literal translation making it sometimes difficult to read. The YLT even translates in the framework of the original language. Part of verse 9 states: “they remember me.” From this we can better understand that the huge multitude of DNA Israelis have forgotten their heritage but will now remember him. Yes, DNA tests of modern science will take us back to a home land or country but often fail to identify from where did those come when DNA traces our origination back to say Germany, Scotland, Sweden, India or the like. God scattered his chosen people to the four corners of the earth. Many have forgotten their true DNA.

Zechariah 10:10 is fascinating. The use of identifying out of Egypt and out of Assyria means out of the south and out of the north God will call his chosen. It is the last seven words in the KJV that is so interesting. “And place [space] shall not be found for them.” This takes us back the Zechariah 2 and his third vision. We find the man with a measuring tape in Jerusalem. He discovers the original lands are not large enough to hold the of mass returning of Tribes of Israel.

The closing verses in Zechariah 10 [v11 & 12] use the word “seas.” This is not a reference to water-lands. It is a reference to the sea of obstacles that have historically been in the way of Israelis to reunite; the people, politics, the UN, Arabs, culture, their blindness to the true Messiah, and waves of oppression that will no longer stand in their way.

Rev. Dr. Jstark

Zechariah Chapter 9

“In that day”. We sometimes fail to grasp this can be a past or future tense statement. Bible study demands one keeps content and context together in scripture studies. It is not unusual for God through his prophets to make a statement “in that day”. We have all heard of someone speaking of the good ol’ days or in short, back in that day we did such-and-such. Have you ever heard of someone saying, “go ahead and make my day”? This too is an example of something yet to happen “in that day”. One must examine the before and after in scripture to capture the essence of past or future tense. At times this is buried within the pre or post paragraphs, sentence(s), or verses i.e. the context of subject. Zechariah has many examples of “in that day”. He is usually talking about two different futures. Israel’s soon-to-be future and a future Israel yet unfulfilled. This is chapter 9:1 through 14:21…mostly future tense; in that day, one yet to come.

Included in this passage is a curse upon or a pending judgment in that day against enemies of Israel. This is the real meaning of the first three verses in Zechariah 9.

Zechariah 9:1 explodes with future tense. “The eyes of man, as of all [kole] the tribes of Israel, [shall be] toward the Lord”. All (?), if any of the tribes of Israel possibly had their eyes set upon the Lord at this time in Zechariah’s life is a baseless deduction. The eyes of man [aw-dawm’] means all humans created by God through and since Adam. The Hebrew word aw-dawm’ in this translation means the same as it does in the name given to Adam in Genesis father of mankind: red dirt.  We should mention the word “burden” as in the burden of the word of the Lord. This burden means an ultimate judging of sinners. Jesus came into this world so that all [Kole in Hebrew, Pas in Greek] may be saved. Since all will not be believers, it is a burden of responsibility regarding pending judgement. God does not wish this burden, but it is coming. [The Hebrew kole and the Greek pas for “all” means without exeption]

“The eyes of man … shall be toward the Lord”: These Phoenician cities mentioned in this chapter on the Mediterranean coast were known for their skill and wisdom (Ezekiel. 28:12-15), and Satanic influence (Ezekiel. 28:11-19) [bible-studies.org].


Zechariah 9:2

JIV NOTE: 2020 DNA research have determined most Lebanese DNA is like the former occupants of the lands of Canaan. Tyrus and Zidon (Sidon) were in the land of Phoenicia. Phoenicia today is within Lebanon. During the military conquests of Alexander the Great these two cities were demolished and have not been truly rebuilt as of 2020. This same area was renamed Phoenicia by the Greeks who believed they originated from Canaan.

Zechariah 9:3 is another issue in and of itself. This verse mentions Tyre. These people had piled up for themselves significant amounts of wealth. They were located to the west [cf. Joshua 19:29] of the lands settled by the Tribe of Asher (Israelites). The city itself consisted of an island and mainland territory. Verse 3 states “they heaped [gold] up like dust of the land”. Their wealth came from making the rare and royal *purple dye.” No wonder Alexander the Great determined to conquer it. Plus they were a major trade route. *Tyrian purple is made by boling snails in lead pots for seveal days.

Zechariah 9:4 is prophetic [in that day] at the time of Zechariah’s prophecies 520 B.C. to around 480 B.C. Some of what he prophesied was fulfilledwhen Alexander the Great [in that day; 332 B.C.] invaded the eastern Mediterranean Sea area; 200 years or so after Zechariah.

JIV MOMENT: Might the reader recall King Ahab and Jezebel of the northern Kingdom Israel (Book of 1 Kings 17; 1 Kings 18:17) and prophet Elijah? Jezebel was the daughter of a king of Sidon [Zidon]. Do not confuse Zidon, Phoenicia with Zion, Israel in history.

Additional insight: Daniel died only a few years before Zechariah began prophesying.

Zechariah 9:5-9 continues to list the pending travesties of anti-Israel nations and powers, in that day. Each nation has its own story. It is a wonderful thing to read secular archeological discoveries that underscore the happenings in the prophecies found in Zechariah 9 alone.

Zechariah 9:10 returns us to the history and prophecies of Israel. This is God’s scripture defining his Millennial Kingdom. We read about the chariots [translated cavalry] of *Ephraim [a surname used for Israel] and the horses of Jerusalem.

*Ephraim was the dominant tribe of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. JIV: This is the tribe that had difficulty pronouncing the “sh” sound. They pronounced shibboleth ‘sibboleth’ [cf. Judges 12:6]. Ephraim and Manasseh were the two sons of Joseph in Egypt.

And his rule is [in that day; future] from sea unto sea, And from the river unto the ends of earth (Zechariah 9:10c). The pronoun “his” in verse 10 is Jesus. His rule will be to the ends of the earth. The words “cutting off” in v9:10a means no more wars…in that day of the Millennial Reign.

Zechariah 9:13 is controversial in its meaning or implication. To bend Judah as the bow and make Ephraim the arrow is not simple to understanding. To begin grasping this meaning re-read verse 12.

“(Re)Turn to the stronghold, O prisoners of hope! Even [in this day] today I declare I will return double to you.” Israel has had an eternal hope for their Messiah. They are prisoners of that belief. They do not believe in the second advent of Christ since they are holding out for the first advent of their messiah. Muslims believe the same thing per their 12th Imam. They both are prisoners of the hope mentioned in this verse. They falter not in their wait for this day to come. It will come but that moment will be the second coming (advent) of Christ to earth with the setting up of his millennial kingdom in Jerusalem.

“I will return double to you”. Amazingly some commentaries skip past this part of 9:12b. Jamieson-Fausset-Brown declare in their commentary state, Great as has been thy adversity, thy prosperity shall be doubly greater. They reference Isaiah 61:7 which is good theology. Let us not forget the entirety of the Promised Lands to Israel were never secured and occupied under their kingships. This doubling could just as easily identify their Millennial land mass, the New Jerusalem. We already studied earlier in Zechariah 2 that the man with the measuring rod showed Jerusalem was not large enough to hold all the people who will occupy it. The New Jerusalem will be 12,000 by 12,000 Strada; 1,500 miles square [cf. Revelation 21:16].

JIV: This is the distance between upper Michigan and mid-Florida. Let this covenant with Israel settle in one’s mind. Now look at any map of the Middle East. Israel today is less than 80 miles wide and only 20 miles at its narrowest point.

Zechariah 9:13 is one of those controversial verses in multiple commentaries. God said through Zechariah that “he will bend the bow of Judah and fill it with Ephraim”. Judah will be filled with Israelites from all Tribes of Israel. Bending the bow increases the space within it. All Israelis will be gathered from the four corners of the earth. The world in their carnal minds will gaze in wonder asking, how can this be?

The Greece mentioned in this verse is not the Greeks as in that country. Very often the non-Israelite is identified in scripture as a Greek i.e. a Gentile, not a Hebrew Israeli. The bow is bent and is *filled with returning Israelis from the four corners of the earth. A very expanded New Jerusalem. Again, see the New Jerusalem of Revelation 21:16. This means ALL, not some.

*Israelis from Jacob/Israel is God’s quiver of arrows.

The confederated armies of the world will line up against Israel, but the sons of Zion will revolt against the attacking Gentile nations. God’s spoken word and tongue will destroy these invaders without the help or military might of Israel.

How do we know this is an understanding of this passage in Zechariah? The rest of this chapter is a double underscore. NOTE: A double underscore is an accounting term meaning a conclusion on a balance sheet or an accounting worksheet.

Zechariah 9:14 is the ultimate result of this entire chapter and the basis for the rest of Zechariah through chapter 14. In a very real way, this is the definitive verse for Zechariah’s writing.

Using the NKJV for verse 14: Then the LORD will be seen over them, And His arrow will go forth like lightning. The Lord GOD will blow the trumpet and go with whirlwinds from the south. Does verse 14 require additional explanation or amplification? This is God’s battle. Not the battle of men. Evil will be defeated. Satan and his minions will fall. The world will recognize how wrong it has been but by this time it is too late for them. Please note once again. This is Israel in the balance, not the modern-day body of believers. They are already Raptured.

We know this is God’s battle since verse 15 to the rest of this chapter states that fact. [NKJV] “The Lord their hosts will defend and save them.” Romans 12:19 “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.

P.S. While Christians look for Jesus’ 2nd coming, the Jews await the Messiah and Muslims await the 12th Imam. Only one is correct…in that day.

We Teach – You Decide

Rev. Dr. Jstark

Article #39 – Daniel 12

We are using a question and answer approach to chapter 12 of Daniel. We now continue…

Q: What might one suppose is the meaning in Daniel 12:4 of “many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase”?

A: It sometimes appears today that many fundamentalist theologians wish to believe that this is a reference to the present, modern age on-earth wherein transportation and knowledge have greatly increased and few understand its impending meaning. However, since all things prophetic are consistently made up of earthly activities which are influenced by and tied to heavenly activities…

…consider this alternative: It speaks of a time when a great many will be stirred up to inquire into Scripture the same way as Daniel was in his reading of Jeremiah and realizing the time of fulfillment of God’s Word was at hand. (Daniel 9) Nothing will be spared in the pursuit of the meaning of Scripture and, with the blessing of God, biblical knowledge will increase and things will appear nearer and plainer than ever. It’s a prelude to fulfilling a condition that will be present in the Millennial Kingdom:

  1. They will not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain,
  2. For the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord (but understanding is lacking)
  3. As the waters cover the sea but will be no more (Revelation 20:1)

JIV NOTE: God created man for his purposes, not ours. We are to communicate with him THEN he will communicate with us through gained knowledge AND understanding. Our response today should be exactly like that of Daniel; to walk constantly in the light and path of the Lord God. Daniel prayed three times a day; none of them had to do with his daily meals.

Read Daniel 12 verses 5-7 (NASB; below)

5. Then I, Daniel, looked and behold, two others were standing, one on this bank of the river and the other on that bank of the river.

6. And one said to the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, “How long will it be until the end of these wonders?”

7. I heard the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, as he raised his right hand and his left toward heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever that it would be for a time, times, and half a time; and as soon as they finish shattering the power of the holy people, all these events will be completed.

Point: This is a general summation of events described of the first few verses in Daniel 12. There are a great many biblical instances of 3-1/2 years or 42 months or 1,260 days. Examples:

  1. The apostasy of the little horn. Is 3-1/2 years. (Daniel 7:25)
  2. The holy city is trodden by the Gentiles for 42 months. (Revelation 11:2)
  3. The beast exercises power for 42 months. (Revelation 13:5)
  4. The two witnesses preach and have power for 1,260 days, and remain unburied for 3-1/2 days. (Revelation 11:3, 9, 11) THEN to the shock of the entire world, they come back to life and ascend to heaven in view of all.

Just because we know these things occur in Daniel’s 70th week of his Seventy 7’s vision, just because some things it contains last half of a seven does not necessarily mean they have to occur sequentially or exclusively in the first half or the second half of the 7 year tribulation called Jacob’s Trouble. They may overlap in some manner. There are other references that seem to teach us something about these past and pending events.

  1. Israel halted in the wilderness 42 times. (Numbers 33:1-50)
  2. The famine and drought brought about through Elijah lasted 3-1/2 years. (Luke 4:25; James 5:17)
  3. Christ’s earthly ministry lasted for 3-1/2 years.
  4. The “Man of Sorrows” will be cut off in the midst of the week. (Daniel 9:27)

The most important information for us is the event mentioned at the end of v.7, “as soon as they finish shattering the power of the holy people”. There is a greater sign of spiritual persecution which we should be sensitive to far more than trying to figure out the beginning and end of these or any unspecified and dated periods of time. The greater issue is bearing up spiritually and withstanding persecution. Christ spoke of this in depth in His Olivet Discourse per End Times in Matthew 24, 25. This not only included End Time of anti-Christ but included that it is not just a literal persecution and battle with Israel, but with all Believers. Even though the “comforter” [John 14:12…the giving of the comforter and restrainer Satan; 2 Thessalonians 2:7…present in believers during the Tribulation but no long restraining the evil one]

At this point it might do some good for use to recall Ecclesiastes 10:2…”A wise man’s heart inclines him to the right, but a fool’s heart to the left.

Read Daniel verses 8-13 (below)

8. As for me, I heard but could not understand; so I said, “My lord, what will be the outcome of these events?

9. He said, “Go your way, Daniel, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time.

10. Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand. (Emphasis mine)

10. Many shall purify themselves and make themselves white and be refined, but the wicked shall act wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand.

11. And from the time that the regular burnt offering is taken away and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be 1,290 days.

`12. Blessed is he who waits and arrives at the 1,335 days.

13. “Go your way until the end. You shall rest and will stand in your allotted place at the end of [the] days.

I con not understand

I could not understand (v8)? If Daniel could not understand and then was told to “seal up these words,” the ones he did not understand. Why then do we speculate? Daniel did not understand and was told to seal it up. That is simple to grasp even in our minds today. In a way it is like a time capsule. Things are put into it, sealed, and then stored away in such a manner that it will not be easily retrieved. Once it is retrieved, all will know what it contained and perhaps better said, what it contains. This is Daniel’s time capsule. Following generations from this point in scripture will not know what it means (contains) until the End Time is here.

Go your way (Daniel) until the end. We are given clues and watch lists of things that must happen before the millennial kingdom. Even the evil or lawless one must be revealed. Look at how the church (true believers and followers of Christ) has gradually wandered away from the Church of Acts. Just as Daniel was told in the final verse of his book, we will also stand in our allotted place at the end of [the] days. Which “PLACE” will yours be? A place of good intentions is not redemption.

The next article concludes our Daniel studies; Article #37c.

Our next series will be on the Book of Hosea!

Rev. Dr. Jstark

Article #38 – Daniel 12

Study Note: Daniel 12:1 is a precise actuality statement so often skimped or stinted in bible studies by teachers, preachers, and students.

The result in a study of chapter 12 is often a pinching out of its actual content, context, plus its very feasible identification of the unidentified figures or characters mentioned throughout this chapter. Please keep in mind and per this website’s platform…every denomination or those individuals who claim or believe in his or her mind that they are born again often ignore the signs given in Daniel 12 as to what to look for per the beginning of End Time. What is their motive to not wish to grasp this scripture?

Denominations need to examine the Book of Acts to see that the original church was a gathering place of expectant and practicing believers; those who “BE” along with “LIVE” the Word of God. The Apostle Paul warns (1 Timothy 6:3) of those wolves who were already worming their different opinions and eventual “denominational” differences into the original Christian church. We should not see this as much as singular focus(es), but too much denominational differences and emphasis is usually “at the expense of knowing and understanding the totality of the Word of God.” Denominations isolate a group and as a group, insulate that same group from other (differing denominational doctrines) believers. This was NOT the church in the Book of Acts.

Allow us to put it in very simple terms. As Christians, we are to be united without compromise in order to be a team of believers. If our concentration is on only one or a few faces on a team it divides. It does not unite or even make for a good team. Similarly, a football team has individual players and player positions, but then so does Christianity through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Together they make a powerful team when correctly coached. No, a wide receiver coach does not advise the corner backs or offensive tackles. Christianity is a common denominator. Far too many of those who claim Christ never practice the position the Holy Spirit assigns to him or her. There is no position called the “bench.” The positions on a Christian team are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord [I Corinthians 12:4 & 5]

Daniel 12:

Right out of the chute Daniel 12:1 identifies a specific in the angel Michael. Let’s take a question and answer approach to this final chapter in Daniel.

Please Read Verses 1-4 of Daniel 12

Q: What does “at that time” refer to?

A: Remember that originally there were no chapter and verse markings. Chapters 10-12 should be read as a single chapter. There is no break in the conversation between the end of chapter 11 and the beginning of chapter 12. Daniel 12 begins with… “at that time” referring to what has just been described in chapter 11 as the actions of the Antichrist. The same is true between the end of chapter 10 and the beginning of chapter 11. “at that time” helps us understand these chapters are one.

Q: What might be significant about the fact that it is Michael who is specified here and not Christ the Messiah?

A: Michael is identified exclusively with and the protector of the people of Israel regardless of where one of them lives on planet earth. It indicates that the things occurring here in Daniel are specific to the literal nation (people) of Israel. If the Messiah were specified, it would speak of the church composed of both Jew and Gentile. It’s yet another indication that God is not yet done with Israel and has plans yet to be fulfilled.

Q: What is “the book” referred to here in 12:1? 12:1 states, ”At that time your people will be delivered, (whose) everyone whose name is written in the book.”

A: The Book of Life, those of God’s chosen people obtaining salvation through Christ. This statement may be a signpost that the church has already been raptured. This is not an ALL INCLUSIVE statement. First it refers to YOUR PEOPLE (Daniel’s) then it specifically refers to those from this select grouping whose names are written in the book.

Q: So what does this indicate about those of Israeli descent who will be then rescued?

A: They have experienced a spiritual revival and accepted Jesus as their Messiah. (This is spoken of through other prophets as well.) This is not an automatic inclusion of Israelis who reject Christ as Messiah.

Q: And what occurs shortly after Israel’s rescue?

A: The “time of distress” comes to a close and there is a resurrection. The Time of distress is the final 3 ½ years of the Tribulation known best as Jacob’s Trouble; Jacob, the progenitor of the 12 Israeli tribes.

Q: Is v.2 describing the final and ultimate resurrection of all people for Final Judgment?

A: No. Scripture corroborates that there is an initial resurrection timed with the beginning of Messiah’s Millennial Reign (Bema Seat Judgement), followed by the ultimate and final resurrection of everyone for final disposition (Great White Throne Judgement).

*For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. [I Thessalonians 4:16]

Rapture concept word cloud background

Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is the one who has a part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years.” (This passage is a great and multiple points discussion, study and clarification by itself) [Revelation 20:4-6]

JIV NOTE: In reality, it won’t matter whether you believe in the Rapture of the Church and whether or when it comes in relation to these events because believers are all going to be under God’s will and timing regardless. The more important factor is whether or not one’s individual name is “written in the book”; whether or not we choose Christ over everything else.

Q: Why will “those who have insight…shine brightly”? Of what is this speaking? [Daniel 12:3]

A: It’s a general reference to the role and responsibility of the teachers and preachers of the Gospel during the future end of times as described in Daniel 10-12. They are not merely preaching about the need for salvation, but fulfilling Christ’s mandates to “make disciples” (Matthew 28:19) by teaching and holding ourselves plus others who claim Christ to living according to the biblical standards of righteousness, putting into personal practice God’s Word to us.

JIV NOTE: In previous articles we define the word “believe” according to scripture as a two part word. To BE-to LIVE…be-lieve! This defines a disciple. In other words, a student of Bible who lives out his or her actions according to God’s will, not our will.

Q: What is the contrast of the personal message to Daniel in v.4 during Daniel’s time, versus that to John in Revelation 22:10?

  1. In Revelation the Apostle John was told: “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.” Daniel is told to “Seal up these words” for now. It is a future prophecy of time yet to come.

JIV NOTE: The timing and perspective given through Daniel 10-12 is one of looking at two future events yet to occur; one sooner and one at End Time. John is looking back on one fork of a dual prophecy; one portion or prong of the two-pronged prophecy as already fulfilled between 530 B.C. and the birth of Jesus. The second prong is still unfulfilled during the life of John; probably around 90 A.D. But, it has similar characteristics.

Article #37 – Daniel Study

Daniel Study – Article #37

AN INTERESTING STUDY and insights of Daniel and perhaps Bible Codes:

In reading several studies and web-pages on the names given to Daniel and his three friends, we find some very interesting information.

Here is a brief summary:

For example, in a study done by William Shea (Andrews University Seminary Studies, Spring 1988) it is inferred that the Babylonian names given to Daniel and his three friends may have been purposely corrupted by Daniel! Now, the Hebrew names of these young men showed that they were worshippers of the true God, Jehovah!

Hananiah — Jehovah (God) is gracious
Mishael — who belongs to or is like God
Azariah – Jehovah (God) helps
Daniel — God is my judge

Daniel 4:8 reveals that king Nebuchadnezzar renamed these Hebrews after his gods! New names were given to these captives from Israel, not just to blend them into the Babylonian court, but to change their allegiance from their God to the gods of Babylon.

Daniel, who wrote the BOOK OF DANIEL, and who wouldn’t even eat the king’s food not only because it contained unclean meats, but also contained the meats offered to the Babylonian gods, would no doubt be very much troubled by these Babylonian names and thus even when using them in his accounts changed them slightly.

Daniel’s friend, Azariah, (Jehovah helps) was renamed Abednego according to scripture. “Abed” means “servant” but we find no god named “nego”. For the name to be authentically referring to a “Babylonian god” it should read “servant of some god “. However, if the name is read Abednebo— then we have a well-known Babylonian god! Nebo was the Babylonian god of wisdom. This could be a translation issue; Abednego should be translated Abednebo. The “B” and the “V” in Hebrew are interchangeable letters.

Could it be that Daniel had such an aversion to calling his friend the “servant of Nebo” that he purposely corrupted his Babylonian name?

Found on a list of an ancient Babylonian clay tablet is the name Arbenebo–Official of the royal prince. This name is the equivalent to the Aramaic name Abednebo and may in fact be the first mention of one of Daniel’s friends found outside of the Bible.
Apparently this Abednego (Abednebo) was given the position as secretary to the crown prince Amel-Marduk (called Evil-Marduk in the Bible).

Misheal was renamed Meshach
Another name found on the list of that same clay tablet is Meshaku-Marduk – Official to Nebuchadnezzar. Marduk was the name of a Babylonian god. If Marduk is dropped from the name we end up with the name Meshaku which is very similar in pronunciation to Meshach.

The Hebrew Mishael means “Who is like God?”
Meshach (Meshaku) means “Who is like Aku?”
Aku was the Babylonian god of the moon.

Hananiah (Jehovah keeps him or Jehovah is gracious)
was renamed Shadrach Or Shadaku which means “Command of Aku”. Aku being the moon god.

William Shea of Andrews University Seminar Studies came to the conclusion that Daniel’s given name was not really Belteshazzar, but Belshazzar, — the same as the king that perished that night when Babylon fell. He entitled his study “Bel(te)shezzar meets Belshazzar”.

Now if Abednego’s name was slightly changed to avoid being called a servant of a false god, could it be that Daniel’s name, Belteshazzar, was also slightly changed ? The “shazzar” part means “protect the king”, thus “Belte” should be the name of a Babylonian god. But we find no god by that name in Babylon. However, Bel, is another name for Nebuchnezzar’s favorite god, Marduk.

In Dan. 5 King Belshazzar seems opposed to calling Daniel by his name Belteshazzar. Why so? “If the Hebrew wise man that stood before Belshazzar bore the same name as the king himself, it would have been natural for the king to have been restrained to have used his own name for him.”

We also find in a tablet writing that Amel-Marduk had as his chief officer one named Belshazzar. We also know that *Amel-Marduk released from house-arrest the exiled Hebrew monarch Jehoiachin, and elevated him and honored him above all of the other kings who were captive in Babylon. *Some translations call him Evil-Marduk but not evil.


With these thoughts concerning Bel(te)shazzar and Belshazzar, what lessons can we learn from the two men with the same name.

The one served the gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood and stone, but neither the god “Bel” nor any of these gods could protect him from the invading Med-Persian forces.

The other served the God of heaven, not the Babylonian god, his story continues in the promises that he will be among those who inherit the earth in the final everlasting kingdom of God.

Belshazzar means “Bel protect the king”.

Bel obviously could not protect king.

I don’t know what the “te” stands for, but I like to think it means “not”. How fitting that Daniel should change the Babylonian name assigned to him to “Bel not protect the king”– especially in the light of this history–(and the history in Daniel 4 as well) Only by trusting and following the God of heaven is their safety.


Another question that arises from this study is:

Might the unpopular Amil-Marduk, son of Nebuchadnezzar, been unpopular due to his Jewish favoritism or following in the new faith of his father Nebuchadnezzar? The only mention of him in the scriptures is his act of liberating the Jewish king.

2 Kings 25.27-30 and Jeremiah 52:31-34
And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, that “Evil (Amil)-Merodach”, king of Babylon in the year that he began to reign, did release Jehoiachin king of Judah out of prison; And he spake kindly to him, and set his throne above the throne of the Kings that were with him inBabylon; And changed his prison garments: and he did eat bread continually before him all the days of his life.

With Abednego as his secretary, Daniel as his chief officer, and the former king of Jerusalem as a favored member of his court, one wonders if this king, Amil-Marduk, who reaped the wrath of the Babylonian hierarchy and was assassinated, might have continued in his father Nebuchadnezzar’s new faith; something the powerful priestly society in Babylon would not tolerate. Once he was assassinated, there was no remaining honor or respect for the God of creation. Of course, secular history would NOT mention this as it would require recognizing God for who He is.

Christians serve the Only God Who came to die so they might live.

Thus Belshazzar’s rebellion against the God of Heaven would not have been his alone, but also of Babylon itself. As God has done to so many other nations, He punishes a nation along with the leader(s) when they [Babylonians] openly reject God. For more understanding of this rejection by the Babylonians, see the Book of Esther.

Article #36 – Daniel Series

Article #36
Daniel 11:36-45
(End of chapter 11)

 36The king (the anti-Christ) will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods (https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/2%20Thessalonians%202%3A4) He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed [7 year Tribulation; i.e. last 3 ½ years as Jacob’s Trouble], for what has been determined must take place. 37 He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. 38[This is the same description that scripture gives of the anti-Christ; II Thessalonians 2:4] Instead of them, he will honor a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his ancestors he will honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and costly gifts. 39 He will attack the mightiest fortresses with the help of a foreign god and will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over many people and will *distribute the land at a price.

False Promises

*Socialism at its best is false promises. It has been and always will at the expense of achievers, previous ownership, earned rights to any property, best defined as bribery or redistribution of wealth but only to those who will follow the so-called white horse ‘peace maker’ anti-Christ. This type of culture violates Leviticus 25 – Jubilee.

 40At the time of the end the king of the South will engage him in battle, and the king of the North will storm out against him with chariots (armored tanks; military vehicles?] and cavalry [Infantry] and a great fleet of ships.

JIV NOTE: “At this time of the end…” This is a critical Daniel passage very much needed to better help our understanding of a previous article in this study per a future yet not here. We previously discussed the fact that neither the Jewish people nor the Islamists will relinquish their (G)god to follow the other. We stated that by comparison of the Ptolemy (Egypt) and the Seleucid (Syria) kingdoms of Daniel 11 we discover a two-pronged prophecy. The first prophetic prong has already been fulfilled between the time of Alexander the Great and the time of the Roman Empire. The second prong is the End Time 70th week of Daniel’s Seventy 7s; that is, the 7 year tribulation. We very possibly will have a northern anti-Christ kingdom and a southern Islamist kingdom. They both will challenge each other…until Jesus Christ comes to finish it all by setting up HIS millennial kingdom.

He will invade many countries and sweep through them like a flood [Antiochus IV did this after Rome warned him to make a decision before stepping out of the circle in the sand]. 41 He will also invade the Beautiful Land [Jerusalem/today’s Israel. Antiochus IV did this after being ejected from Egypt by the Romans]. Many countries will fall, but [the territories of…] *Edom, *Moaband the leaders of *Ammonwill be delivered from his hand [*Land of Jordan today, 2020]. 42 He will extend his power over many countries; Egypt will [eventually] not escape. 43 He will gain control of the treasures of gold and silver and all the riches of Egypt, with the Libyans and Cushites (Nubians/Ethiopians) in submission. 44 But reports from the east [possibly China] and the north [possibly Russia] will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many. 45 He will pitch his royal tents between the seas at the beautiful holy mountain. Yet he [antichrist] will come to his end, and no one will help him.

JIV NOTE: To-date [2020], the above paragraph has not come about in history; only parts of it materialized under the wrath of Antiochus IV. It is yet to be played out by forces we are not yet able to specifically name and identify. We know their generic (pronoun) identities from Daniel 11 as a ruler of the north and a ruler of the south. When Christ returns to set up HIS millennial Kingdom, there will be none to stop this from happening. There will be no one to come to the aid of either the king of the north or the king of the south.

Where the global gathering will take place.

The global gathering will be the Battle of Armageddon. Megiddo exists today. It is about 50 miles north of Jerusalem best known for its’ massive valley plains. It also is where massive oil deposits have been recently discovered. https://www.prnewswire.com/il/news-releases/zion-oil–gas-signs-agreement-to-begin-3-d-seismic-acquisition-in-israel-300902653.html

Oddly, and according to the silent media, Russia through Hungary has already succeeded at signing with Israel an “oil field development contract” in this territory. (see map to the right; agreement signed between Zion Oil & Gas and Acoustic Geophysical Services KFT (“AGS”), an international seismic company based in Budapest, Hungary.

This is where Daniel swings into full future prophecy; prophecy yet to be completed in 2020 or beyond. Some fundamental theologians suggest this is evidenced beginning around verse 36 (We suggest beginning the dual prong prophecy begins in Daniel 11:22) until the end of this chapter. The absolute historical accuracy of verses 11:1-36 makes many historians, mediocre bible believers and historical bible revisionists want to suggest that this portion of Daniel was written AFTER the fact. If true, Daniel 11:1-36 was inserted in the text of the Book of Daniel long after this history/prophecy was complete after Daniel was deceased. In turn, this suggests that the prophecy was not futuristic, but history after the fact denying the inspired, infallibility of scripture and prophecy. [This is the secularist’s and liberal preacher point of view; denying scripture prophecy as telling of a future that had not yet become a history]

The underlying doubt of such a rather naïve (above) suggestion is that verses 36 to the end of this chapter are part of a history but cannot be connected to any historical events. Such scripture revisionists are not real bible believers and don’t want to admit that Daniel’s prophecies came from his own hand inspired of God therefore they deftly attempt to deny prophetic words. They want the bible to be good, but not THAT GOOD AND ACCURATE. This in itself [End Time prophecy] is how those who play church [but in my own personal opinion] are singing from the wrong songbook.

Thank you

Thank you for taking the time to read this for yourself. It took me many months of research to find the correct secular and historical names with events to fit the passages between verse 1 and 36/37 of Daniel 11. If I made any error it is unintentional. I could suggest that this transliteration of is about as close to a future actuality as we will get until God sends his Son to redeem and rapture the Church, telling us the real facts as recorded in Daniel 11. I suspect we won’t really care at that time. Praise God and pray for His quick return.

Dr. Jstark
Revised February 2020

Article #35 of Daniel

Article #35 of Daniel
Daniel 11:36 – 45

 36The king (the anti-Christ) will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods (https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/2%20Thessalonians%202%3A4) He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed [7 year Tribulation; i.e. last 3 ½ years as Jacob’s Trouble], for what has been determined must take place. 37 He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. 38[This is the same description that scripture gives of the anti-Christ; II Thessalonians 2:4] Instead of them, he will honor a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his ancestors he will honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and costly gifts. 39 He will attack the mightiest fortresses with the help of a foreign god and will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over many people and will *distribute the land at a price.

*Socialism at its best of false promises. It has been and always will at the expense of achievers, previous ownership, earned rights to any property, best defined as bribery or redistribution of wealth but only to those who will follow the so-called white horse ‘peace maker’ anti-Christ.

 40At the time of the end the king of the South will engage him in battle, and the king of the North will storm out against him with chariots (armored tanks; military vehicles?] and cavalry [Infantry] and a great fleet of ships.

JIV NOTE: “At this time of the end…” This is a critical Daniel passage very much needed to better help our understanding of a previous article in this study per a future yet not here. We previously discussed the fact that neither the Jewish people nor the Islamists will relinquish their (G)god to follow the other. We stated that by comparison of the Ptolemy (Egypt) and the Seleucid (Syria) kingdoms of Daniel 11 we discover a two-pronged prophecy. The first prophetic prong has already been fulfilled between the time of Alexander the Great and the time of the Roman Empire. The second prong is the End Time 70th week of Daniel’s Seventy 7s; that is, the 7 year tribulation. We very possibly will have a northern anti-Christ kingdom and a southern Islamist kingdom. They both will challenge each other…until Jesus Christ comes to finish it all by setting up HIS millennial kingdom.

He will invade many countries and sweep through them like a flood [Antiochus IV did this after Rome warned him to make a decision before stepping out of the circle in the sand]. 41 He will also invade the Beautiful Land [Jerusalem/today’s Israel. Antiochus IV did this after being ejected from Egypt by the Romans]. Many countries will fall, but [the territories of…] *Edom, *Moaband the leaders of *Ammonwill be delivered from his hand [*Land of Jordan today, 2020]. 42 He will extend his power over many countries; Egypt will [eventually] not escape. 43 He will gain control of the treasures of gold and silver and all the riches of Egypt, with the Libyans and Cushites (Nubians/Ethiopians) in submission. 44 But reports from the east [possibly China] and the north [possibly Russia] will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many. 45 He will pitch his royal tents between the seas at the beautiful holy mountain. Yet he [antichrist] will come to his end, and no one will help him.

JIV NOTE: To-date [2020], the above paragraph has not come about in history; only parts of it materialized under the wrath of Antiochus IV. It is yet to be played out by forces we are not yet able to specifically name and identify. We know their generic (pronoun) identities from Daniel 11 as a ruler of the north and a ruler of the south. When Christ returns to set up HIS millennial Kingdom, there will be none to stop this from happening. There will be no one to come to the aid of either the king of the north or the king of the south.

The global gathering will be the Battle of Armageddon. Megiddo exists today. It is about 50 miles north of Jerusalem best known for its’ massive valley plains. It also is where massive oil deposits have been recently discovered. https://www.prnewswire.com/il/news-releases/zion-oil–gas-signs-agreement-to-begin-3-d-seismic-acquisition-in-israel-300902653.html

Oddly, and according to the silent media, Russia through Hungary has already succeeded at signing an “oil field development contract” with Israel in this territory. (see map to the right; agreement signed between Zion Oil & Gas and Acoustic Geophysical Services KFT (“AGS”), an international seismic company based in Budapest, Hungary.

This is where Daniel swings into full future prophecy; prophecy yet to be completed in 2020 or beyond. Some fundamental theologians suggest this is evidenced beginning around verse 36 (We suggest beginning the dual prong prophecy begins in Daniel 11:22) until the end of this chapter. The absolute historical accuracy of verses 11:1-36 makes many historians, mediocre bible believers and historical bible revisionists want to suggest that this portion of Daniel was written AFTER the fact. If true, Daniel 11:1-36 was inserted in the text of the Book of Daniel long after this history/prophecy was complete after Daniel was deceased. In turn, this suggests that the prophecy was not futuristic, but history after the fact denying the inspired, infallibility of scripture and prophecy. [This is the secularist’s and liberal preacher point of view; denying scripture prophecy as telling of a future that had not yet become a history]

The underlying doubt of such a rather naïve suggestion is that verses 36 to the end of this chapter are part of a history but cannot be connected to any historical events. Such scripture revisionists are not real bible believers and don’t want to admit that Daniel’s prophecies came from his own hand inspired of God therefore denying prophetic words. They want the bible to be good, but not THAT GOOD AND ACCURATE. This in itself [End Time prophecy] is how those who play church [but in my own personal opinion] are singing from the wrong songbook.

Thank you for taking the time to read this for yourself. It took me many months of research to find the correct secular and historical names with events to fit the passages between verse 1 and 36/37. If I made any error it is unintentional. I could suggest that this transliteration of is about as close to actuality as we will get until God sends his Son to redeem and rapture the Church, telling us the real facts as recorded in Daniel 11. I suspect we won’t really care at that time. Praise God and pray for His quick return.

Dr. Jstark
Revised February 2020

Article #34-Daniel 11:21-35

We left off in the previous article on Daniel 11 with Seleucid Philopator having been (supposedly) poisoned by his younger brother Mithradates; AKA: the notorious Antiochus IV. It is his actions that begin to parallel End Time prophecy regarding the battles between the King of the North and the king of the South. Yes, history identifies the biblical States as Syria and Egypt. These two nations may not be the End Time battling kings but their paths parallel with End Time prophecies.


JIV: In a previous article we pointed out two significant factors.

  1. Israel (Jews) will not, perhaps “cannot” accept an End Time deceiver other than one of their own kind. We all know that the ‘Jews’ anticipate a Messiah as they do not accept Jesus as the one. They accept that their Messiah will come from within their own people and be from the Tribe of Judah; i.e. a JEW. This is a descendant of King David.
  2. Muslims will not fold into or accept anything other than their own version of the future lead by a great Muslim; the 12th Inman (primarily held in very high esteem by the Shi’a. The Sunni branch of Islam does not have imams in the same sense as the Shi’a, an important distinction often overlooked by those outside of the Islamic religion. Both groups await the return of the 12th Inman or messiah who will judge the world converting all faiths to Islam; destroying abstainers, objectors, nonconformists.

So what does this mean? If anti-Christ is from either group, the other side of this same coin will be identified as a counterfeit. There will be a ruler of the north, possibly Europe Union often identified as the resurrected Holy Roman Empire, and a ruler in the Arab (south) being identified as the 12th Inman; Muhammad al Mahdi.

NOTE: We will have more to share on this touchy subject later but this helps set the stage for the following dual or parallel prophecies; prophecies already fulfilled plus End Time prophecy yet to be revealed.

21He  [Seleucid Philopator] will be succeeded by a contemptible person [Antiochus IV Epiphanes “the Illustrious” using his own words. His birth name was Mithradites] who has not been given the honor of royalty [natural succession to the throne; held in contempt by those around him. He had poisoned his older brother Antiochus III]. He will invade the kingdom [Syrian Empire; his own country] when its people feel secure, and he [Antiochus Epiphanes; Life span; 215 B.C. to 164 B.C.] will seize it through intrigue. 22 Then an overwhelming army will be swept away before him; both it [Ptolemy VI Philometer, son of Cleopatra I] and a prince of the covenant [What covenant is not revealed but possibly The Law of Moses; this could have been the High Priest Jason or Onias III but in End Time parallel prophecy, this will be the Jerusalem Temple leadership] will be destroyed. 23 After coming to an agreement with him [Egypt and the Province of Israel], he will act deceitfully, and with only a few people he will rise to power [as will the anti-Christ]. 24 When the richest provinces [those areas supposedly protected by Rome as in an End Time revived Holy Roman Empire] feel secure, he [Epiphanes of the north] will invade them and will achieve what neither his father nor his forefathers did. He will distribute plunder, loot and wealth among his followers [close associates who support him; many deserters of Judaism]. He will plot the overthrow of *fortresses—but only for a time; [*the richest of the provinces under his control. He does this through lies, deceit and intrigue. “Only for a time” may suggest a parallel to End Time, the 7 year Tribulation with; perhaps it being only the last 3 ½ years of Daniel’s 70th week]

JIV AHA MOMENT: Here is from where the origins of the drawing a line (circle) in the sand statement so often used by politicians today. Antiochus Epiphanes invades Egypt that is ruled by his pharaoh nephew, Ptolemy Philometer, son of Cleopatra I. He is threatened by Rome. Withdraw his troops or be considered at-war with Rome. The Roman emissary who was in Egypt at this time demanded an answer from (Antiochus Epiphanes IV) before *stepping over the line in the sand”; an idiom. The Roman Emissary Gaius Popillius Laenas had drawn a circle around Antiochus Epiphanes IV in 168 B.C. a circle in the sand while they both stood on Egyptian soil. He agreed, then took his anger out in Jerusalem, Judaism, slaughtering 80,000 Jews and disgracing the Temple while returning to Syria.

We don’t have time or space to insert the entire setting of this passage’s parallel prophecy to End Time happenings but…

 25 “With a large army he will stir up his strength and courage against the king of the South [Egypt]. The king of the South [Ptolemy VI Philometer Physcon] will wage war [against Epiphanes of Syria] with a large and very powerful army, but he [Ptolemy VI Philometer Physcon; Egypt] will not be able to stand because of the plots devised against him [his own people and Satraps (sub-kings of sort) of Egypt plotted against him including true Egyptians; i.e. Nubians, desiring to replace their ‘GREEK’ Pharaoh with an Egyptian Pharaoh]. 26 Those who eat from the king’s provisions will try to destroy him; his army will be swept away, and many will fall in battle. 27 The two kings [Ptolemy VI Philometer Physcon  and Antiochus Epiphanes], with their hearts bent on evil, will sit at the same table and lie to each other, but to no avail, because an end will still come at the appointed time. 28 The king of the North will return to his own country with great wealth, but his heart will be set against the holy covenant [The Law of Moses being honored in former Israeli territories after being expelled from Egypt by Roman threats of war if he didn’t stand down; step out of the line in the sand]. He will take action [with great anger] against it [Israeli territory – Jews of the Tribe of Judah primarily in and around Jerusalem] and then return to his own country. 29 “At the appointed time he [Epiphanes of Syria] will invade the South again, but this time the outcome will be different from what it was before. 30 Ships of the western coastlands [Rome then; End Time Tribulation?] will oppose him, and he will lose heart. Then he will turn back and vent his fury against the holy covenant [Law of Moses and the Jews in the old Kingdom of Judah; 80,000 slaughtered]. He will return and show favor to those [false and self-centered priests of Judaism; those who preach a false religion rejecting traditional Judaism] who forsake the holy covenant.

 31His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress [Jerusalem] and will abolish the daily sacrifice. Then they will set up the abomination that causes desolation. 32 With flattery he will corrupt those (Jews) who have violated the covenant, but the people [True and Orthodox Jews of Jerusalem – the beginning of and rule of the Maccabeus revolt; 167 B.C. to 69 B.C.] who [Maccabee family of father and five sons] know their God will firmly resist him. [after 175 B.C. and just prior to 167 B.C.E. Antiochus Epiphanes of Syria plundered the Temple, captured (again) Jerusalem, offered pig sacrifices on the altar of God, and forbid circumcision, Sabbath worship, and possession of the Law of Moses; manuscripts. He died in 164 B.C.]; 3 ½ years after he began the abomination and desecration of the Temple. The antichrist will do the same thing in 3 ½ years; Jacobs Trouble – Jeremiah 30:7.]

 33 “Those [Jews of Jerusalem; 2 Maccabees 5:11–14] who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they [followers of the High Priest: Menelaus was High Priest in Jerusalem from 171 B.C. to about 161 BC. He was the successor of Jason, the brother of Onias III.] will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered. 34 When they fall, they will receive little help, and many who are not sincere will join them. 35 Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end [JIV: This could be a reference to the 144,000 discussed in Revelations 14:3,4; 2nd Advent of Christ], for it will still come at the appointed time.

The King Who Exalts Himself (the interpretation of Daniel 11:1-35 has only some disagreement, BUT…)
From Dan 11:36 on, there is quite a diversity of opinions...

   a. Some believe Antiochus Epiphanes is still the subject
   b. Others suggest that a Roman emperor is being described (a possibility in my humble opinion)
   *c. Still others believe it refers to someone yet to come [Antichrist? Very possible]
   d. JIV: This is part of the watershed prophecy of short term (Antiochus) and a parallel End Time (antichrist); It is probable that the parallel (watershed) different-times prophecy begins at Daniel 11:21, not verse 36.

If this (*c) is correct, the kings (leaders) referred to from this point on in Daniel 11 is symbolic and refer to leaders we do not yet know. They may already be in power today, or very soon will be. It also means from this point forward in Daniel, the territories mentioned are symbolic as was the territories and rulers in Daniel 11:1-35 in actuality but now fulfilled in what we identify as “secular” history. Both forks of this parallel in prophecies from Daniel’s pen and parchment paper go nameless but the first half can be identified as we have done in this Daniel series. It was written BEFORE it played out as today’s history and End Time events are yet to become history.

Old tank used during the 1967 war with the flag of Israel on the Golan, Israel
Bibical History is Secular History

Article 31- The Historical Background

Not just great stories—Bible history is part of what we refer to as secular history



As is my teaching style, it helps when one can put an event or series of events into perspective or within other historical events of secular history. Remember that the bible does not need to prove itself according to history. History needs to be placed against what the bible states. There is no revision of secular versus scriptural history but there are many who wish to revise scripture to make God what s/he wants instead of us as individuals being what God wanted upon our creation.

  1. King Pekah of Israel [700’s B.C.] along with his ally King Rezin of Aram, threatened Judah and its main city of Jerusalem. Ahaz, the king of Judah, called upon King Pul [Tiglath-Pileser III] of Assyria to intervene. He did intervene therefore defeating Israel (the Northern Kingdom) then executed King Rezin of Aram (Damascus).
    1. Assyria was a Semitic nation, but not Israeli, from the 24th century BC to 608 BC.
    1. Assyrians were offspring of Shem’s (Noah’s ark) eldest son *Elam: Genesis 10:22, Ezra 4:9. *Elam itself was once an empire called the Elamites now part of Iran. The person Elam was a son of Shem making him a grandson of Noah.
  2. At this time, Damascus was not the capital of Syria. It was a large city-state in its own rights.
  3. Assyrians attacked the Kingdom of Israel (ten northern tribes) first dispersing the East of Jordan tribes of Gad, Reuben, and the half tribe of Manasseh in 732 B.C. [2 Kings 16:9].
  4. 720 BC: Assyria invades the remaining tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel including a few cities within the borders of the Kingdom of Judah. All captives are exiled to unsettled lands to the north, east, and west specifically mentioned, it includes the cities of the Medes.

JIV NOTE: This plays significantly into the Babylonian captivity of the southern Kingdom of Judah 120 years later, the 70 year Babylonian captivity, and to connect the dots……the invasion of Babylon by the MEDES and Persians and eventually Queen Esther of the Book of Esther.

  • Daniel of Babylonian fame was a contemporary of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Zerubbabel. These men were exiled from the southern Kingdom of Judah or were born during Babylonian captivity. Interestingly, they all were in the service of the government of Babylon; Daniel also served within the Mede-Persian government of Babylon.
  • Daniel lived during the time of Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar, father and grandson, who were kings of Babylon, and the Mede-Persian ruler Cyrus (Darius?).
  • He lived in Babylon during the entire 70 year captivity and several years beyond.
  • Daniel never left Babylon after being exiled from Judah. He continued to serve in the service of the Persian conquerors of Babylon.
  • Sequence of nations:
    • The nation Israel of Saul, David and Solomon co-existed with Assyria
    • Israel divided into two separate kingdoms: the Kingdom of Israel to the north with ten tribes and the Kingdom of Judah to the south with 2 tribes plus many stragglers from the northern kingdom who were faithful to Judaism and Jerusalem.
    • Ten tribes to the north are dispersed in the 700 B.C. over a period of 20 plus years; first by Tiglath-Pileser III [sometimes called King Pul], then Shalmaneser V, finally by Sargon II; all were kings of Assyria. Time period around 740 B.C.E. to around 720 [?] BC.
    • Kingdom of Judah continued to exist for another 120 years; until about 606 BC.
    • Babylon rebels against and overthrows Assyria; 637 BC to around 612 BC. The overthrow of the Kingdom of Judah followed.
    • Nebuchadnezzar (606 BC) of Babylon invades the Kingdom of Judah and begins a series of dispersions bringing Judean Jews [including Daniel] to Babylon. [Daniel 1:1-4]
      • 605 BC.; 597 B.C.; 586 BC. [the three reasonably close dates of Judean dispersion and exile to Babylon]
  • Daniel becomes an advisor and dream interpreter for Nebuchadnezzar  [Daniel 2:1-49]
  • Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego face the fiery furnace [Daniel 3:1-30]
  • Nebuchadnezzar goes insane and eats grass with the wild animals of his kingdom [Daniel 4:1-37] His wings are plucked and he is made to stand up like all other men (Daniel 7:4)
  • Daniel interprets the finger of God writing on the wall to *Belshazzar

[Daniel 5:1-31]

  1. *Belshazzar is the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar; overthrown by Medo-Persians (Cyrus of overall all Persia; Darius the Mede was temporarily king of the conquered Babylon). Belshazzar was not the sole king of Babylon during this overthrow. His father made him co-regent of Babylon itself.
    1. King Cyrus, the first Persian king over the Mede-Persian conquered empire of Babylon, signs a decree releasing all Israeli captives within this conquered empire; [538 B.C. – Ezra 1:2-4; 6:2-5] Darius the Mede ruled first but for less than two years. Daniel tells us that this Darius was already 62 years old at the time of the overthrow. He was not King of Persia but a satrap king of Babylon proper.
  2. Daniel and the Lions’ den historical event occurred under the Mede-Persian ruler Darius [Daniel 6:1-28], not Nebuchadnezzar.
  3. The prophetic future according to the dreams of Daniel
    1. The 4 beasts [Daniel 7:1-28]
    1. Daniels dream of the goat and the ram [Daniel 8:1-28]
    1. Daniels 70 week or years dream [Daniel 9:1-27]
    1. Daniel views the end of times (Recall a previous study article: Are We There Yet?) [Daniel 10:1 – 12:13]

Article 30 -Daniel 11

Kingdom of JudahOutline of the Book of Daniel
(chapter 11:1-40: Rev. Dr. Jstark)

Article #30

There is almost as much prophecy in the book of Daniel as there is contention over the prophecies themselves. Daniel was one of the first of three different diasporas from the Kingdom of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon; 606/5, 597/6, 586/5, 4 B.C. (approximate dates) He was a close friend of *Shadrach, **Meshach and ***Abednego of the fiery furnace fame; Daniel 1-3. Their Hebraic names were *Hananiah (חֲנַנְיָה), **Mishael (מִישָׁאֵל) and **Azariah (עֲזַרְיָה). These three “teenagers” were exiled to Babylon at the same time as was Daniel.

JIV NOTE: There are significant ahamoments when we look at the origin and meanings of many biblical name. Please be reminded: Hananiah (Shadrach) means “God who is gracious;” Mishael (Meshach) means “Who is like God;” and Azariah (Abednego) means “God is our help, or God has helped”. BONUS: Daniel means “God is my judge.”  These Old Testament name meanings stated as a sentence reveal a New Testament message: God is gracious; who can be like God; God is my help/salvation (and) God will be my judge.

Just as interesting are their Babylonian name meanings: Shadrach means “command of Aku”, Aku being the name of the Babylonian god of the moon; Meshach means “who is (or can be) what Aku is?Abednego means “servant of Nebo,” the Babylonian god of wisdom. This is no Hebraic or Babylonian (Chaldean) verbiage coincident but great insights inspired of God. This is what it means to STUDY the Word[s] of God.

While studying the Book of Daniel, we must keep in mind that the name Babylon is used within other scripture as concerns other yet unfulfilled End Time prophecy. That in and of itself does not always mean the Babylon of Daniel times.  The use of the name Babylon is symbolic or analogous of characteristics of events of end times. We cannot look at the Book of Daniel without including some references to other supportive End Time scriptures that remind us of End Time prophecies by Daniel. This is particularly true of Daniel 11.

PS: His traditional grave site is identified as being in Susa, Iran. Susa today is the city of Shuster in Iran’s district of Khuzestan. This in itself is located within an even more ancient settlement of the Elamites…a former empire named after one of the five sons of Shem; ELAM [Shem’s children: Elam, Ashur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram, in addition to daughters. Genesis 10:21, 22]

In a broad sense, the Book of Daniel prophecies can be defined under four categories:

  1. Prophecies of things in the distant future (from that point in time, that is up to its fulfillment)
  2. Prophecies of imminent events soon to happen
  3. Prophecies of intermediary or mid-time events plus End Time events of week 70 in Daniel’s vison of the Seventy 7’s.
  4. Words of support and encouragement to not vacillate but remain in the faith.

There are only 12 chapters in the Book of Daniel unless one includes Susannah (chapter 13),  Bel and the Dragon (chapter 14). So much that is relevant to current events were prophesied at the time of Daniel; predictions and warnings of things to shortly happen, and a look into the future including our current era, is crammed into such a short book of the Bible; twelve canonized chapters. CAUTION: If a believer does not know and somewhat understand these prophecies in Daniel 11, s/he will never recognize them as they play out today.

It one of my greatest [JIV: Jim’s Introspective View] challenges and honors to research and annotate  Daniel 11 using the actual names of historical characters instead of the generic or pronoun person, place, or thing used in scripture. Chapter 11 of Daniel is possibly the most controversial in this great Old Testament book. The contentiousness of chapter 11 is not so much over what it contains, but the pinpoint accuracy of it. It is so accurate, some theologians and self-proclaiming wise-guys insist Daniel had to be written “after the fact” by someone else, then inserted into the Book of Daniel. There are some who call themselves Christian who have difficulty understanding that our sovereign Lord is the Aleph – Tav [Hebrew]; knows the beginning and the end; the Alpha – Omega [Greek]…Plus all of history that falls within these two place-markers.

You will find a general overview outline of the Book of Daniel in the next article page(s), then a following, by-name conversion of Daniel 11. If there is an error on my behalf when inserting names into the place and descriptive names used in chapter 11, I accept responsibility. One can only be sure if s/he looks it up him or herself. If God or Jesus says it… do not question it. We teach but YOU must decide.

Our next article covers the historical background and sequence of this time in history. This setting will benefit those who wish to pull together histories that are too often divided between secular and bible events.