Welcome to AHA Bible Moments!


“Bible History IS Secular History when given the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

You are about to enter the world of “I didn’t know that” moments from the Bible!

 Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.

Proverbs 9:9

Paul Harvey, during his daily radio broadcasts, made famous the statement “The Rest of the Story.” He would tell the unfamiliar stories behind the familiar stories of men, feats, events and situations. Did you know the same is true of many “bible stories” found in the Old and New Testament scriptures? The following may not be quite the same as Mr. Harvey’s reviews of history, events and people, but they can be just as stunning, revealing, informative, and mind opening.

This publication will look at dozens of these surprising “aha moments” from miniJimscripture. Some will startle, some readers will find them particularly satisfying, and some will realize that history and the Bible are the same thing; a review of what was and remains an actuality. The Bible stories in scripture are space-limited and cannot publish everything surrounding, coinciding, or consequential to these stories. Some Bible time events are well-known and others not quite as well known but none the less found in scripture with a correlating “aha moment”. NOTE: The Bible and history are contemporaneous.

Included in this website are messages from others who serve our God; i.e. studied individuals such as ministers and Bible teachers.

Let’s explore some of these aha moments in scripture and have a ton of fun while doing so!!

– Dr. J

Bible Devotions or Bible Study?

Bible Devotions can be like paying the minimum amount due on ones credit card debt. One seldom gains ground. Bible study is like paying the monthly balance in full plus something extra. We gain ground quickly!

What in the World is Going On

Read the following scripture verse and discover exactly where this world is heading. It is unfolding in front of our own eyes at this very moment… Protesting Israel’s very existence.

Zechariah 12:3And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it. (NKJV). 

Think very seriously about this. Even our current President and administration is losing support for Israel.

Rev. Dr. Jstark – May, 2024

Amazing archeological discoveries that support Bible events and histories. 

Iraq is a treasure trove for Christian artifacts. Samarian cities once flourished in this area. So did their language. One might conclude Sumaria to be close to the original Noah civilization. One profound clay tablet found in this area of south-east Iraq is the Sumerian Kings list. The Cuneiform Tablet (The Epic of Gilgamesh) listing the pre-flood kings was discovered in the early 1900s by German American scholar Hermann Hilprecht. A bible student or researcher must keep in mind that the Noah Flood would have changed the face of earth due to water force and the runoff of the flood. 

Some church going people know what Isaiah 11: 6-9 is all about. It is End Time prophecy about the peace on earth after Jesus returns to earth to establish his King on earth. The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf, the lion, and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. The cow will feed alongside the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. (NIV). What a Bible student seldom know is the ancient prophecy of Isaiah is depicted on a serpentinite bowl from southern Mesopotamia c. 3300–2900 B.C.E. This is long before the time of Isaiah, yet it shows a graphic illustration of what Isaiah prophecies.  

Queen Esther: Little is talked about this Jewish queen of Ahasuerus (aka Xerxes), King of Persia. However, did the reader know her personal palace’s inner and outer court, including the palace garden has been excavated and identified as belonging to the queen? How do we know King Ahasuerus and his queen(s), Vishta then Esther, had their own palace? Read verse 1:9.  

Accad: One of the cities reported in Genesis 10 to have been built by Nimrod is Assad but also known as Sippar. This name means something like Book Town. It was a center for library holdings. 

Susa, a place in which Daniel hung out as a Babylonian Chieftain, is where Hammurabi’s Code of Justice tablet was found in 1902. Abraham lived during the time of Hammurabi.  

How does one pronounce a word beginning with the letter “J”? Did you know such a letter did not exist until the 1500s? This is why original Bible words beginning in “J” were pronounced with a “Y” sound.  

Babylonian records that predate Abraham have been unearthed. They record history that is remarkably like the Bible’s telling of the Great Flood. The same is true of other ancient cities in the same area. 

Abraham had an army of 300 solders that accompanied him on his travels. We read in Genesis that his nephew Lot was taken captive by forces mentioned in Genesis 14. They were not trying to capture Lot, but he lived amongst those they overran. Abraham used his army to retrieve Lot. Amazingly, Hammurabi (1700s B.C.), named Amraphel in the Book of Genesis, was defeated by Abraham’s forces. 

Sodom and Gomorra, as read in Genesis 18 and 19, were burned to a crisp by a cataclysmic event. Scripture says it was fire and brimstone by the hand of God. It is also where Lot and his family lived. Such a description of two ancient cities was unearthed in 1924. Where? At the southeast corner of the Dead Sea. Archeological evidence shows that both cities and population abruptly ended around 2,000 B.C. 

The above are interesting facts that support scripture. We have hundreds more examples, but not in this Blog. 

Rev. Dr. Jstark – 2024 

How much does one know when it comes to sequencing in one’s mind historical events and Bible persons/events when it comes to the Bible versus secular histories? That is other primary secular historical events and characters mentioned in scripture. How about relating Bible characters with what we call secular events. This may be especially rewarding when secular history confirms the Bible. Did the reader know that 1, 2, and 3 Maccabees, is especially thorough in doing this? Of course, the Maccabees books are part of the Apocrypha, but does that mean it is wrong in recording history? 

Does one readily recall that in secular history the Medes defeated the hated Assyrians along with the help of the Babylonians? It did not happen the other way around. The ceremonial and religious heart of the Assyrian Empire, Assur, was captured by the Medes, not the Babylonians. The Assyrians were a brutal people.  They conquered the northern Tribes of Israel, then removed them from their homelands. They were stripped of protective clothing, walked, or marched barefoot, had to forage for themselves, and took no household goods with them. This happened in three distinct stages. 

When the Assyrians were finally defeated by the combined forces of subject states, the Medo-Babylonians, the Middle East made a huge sigh of relief. This is the time that Nabopolassar, Nebuchadnezzar’s father, took power in Babylon. Nabopolassar was the actual King of Babylon, but Nebuchadnezzar, his son, sat on its throne. Read the Book of Daniel to get the Bible connections. Here is a significant secular historical event about Daniel’s time. Nebuchadnezzar also is famous for building the famous Hanging Gardens in Babylon.  

There are too many parallels with scripture in the above example to list them in this blog. However, let us look at a few other historical events and characters that had exchanges about or during their lifetimes that parallel scripture. 

Think of what some would consider as reprehensible to God, during the reign of King Hezekiah, the brass serpent that Moses while in the Wilderness was instructed by God to make to heal those bitten by the venomous snakes in an Israeli camp. Some today would consider when King Hezekiah ordered its destruction that GOD would avenge the destruction of something he had ordered built. In 2 Kings 18, that is exactly what King Hezekiah did and God was not displeased. Why? The Jews had been making incense offerings to it. 

2 Kings 18… He [Hezekiah] did what was right in the sight of the LORD, in accordance with everything that his father David had done. 4He removed the high places, smashed the memorial stones to pieces, and cut down the Asherah. He also crushed to pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made, for until those days the sons of Israel had been burning incense to it; and it was called Nehushtan. 

People were worshiping the bronze serpent instead of their God. Even though God had ordered Moses to build it, he did NOT punish Hezekiah for ordering its destruction. We can learn from this fact that ANYTHING interfering with our giving worship to God is dispensable by man. We at ahabiblemoments feel that is what has happened to the church. It is no longer a gathering of believers but an object or habit, tradition, and routine. 

NOAH: The Bible tells us in Genesis 5:32 when he was born. In tracking Bible year chronologies, there is something of note. We find that the time between when Noah was born, and the great flood is a huge gap. 600 years will pass. We know that Noah used this time (at least the 100 years before the flood) to preach God to the people and to build the Ark. People had fallen away so far from God that he told Noah he was going to destroy the world. This in and of itself gives us an answer to something many researchers and archeologist have endeavored to discover for an exceptionally long time. Where is the Garden of Eden? It is quite simple…the great Noah-tic flood eliminated it. The Bible tells us of its pre-flood location in Genesis 2:10–14: “And a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from thence it [the river] was parted and became four heads.”   

We know of the Tigris and Euphrates, but it is legitimate to question if their flows were altered by the Great Flood. Note to archeologists. It is impossible to find a place that no longer exists. 

To put a wrap on this week’s ahabiblemoments blog, here are a few additional connections between the secular and biblical histories that we do not study in church or the secular classroom in school. 

  • Joshua (1451 BC) and King Tut (1333 BC) 
  • Daniel (604 BC) and Aesop (c. 600 BC) Aesop’s Fables 
  • Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego (Mid-sixth century BC) and Buddha (563 BC) and of course Daniel 
  • Belshazzar (539 BC) and Confucius (547 BC) 
  • Ezra (467 BC) and Socrates (c. 469 BC) 
  • Malachi (c. 400 BC) and Plato (c. 427 BC) 
  • Herod the Great (37 BC) and Cleopatra (37 BC) 

Rev. Dr. Jstark – 2024 

Colossians 2:16 – 23 

Colossians 2:16 “So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, (2:17) which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ.” 

We mentioned this verse in the closing of our previous article. It has rocked a few readers’ minds by looking at the replies we have received. Bear in mind that we did not write this verse. It is a direct quote from the Bible. This is one of the concerns of the Apostle Paul in writing to the Church of Colossae. Food did not have to be Kosher as the Christian Jews wanted to be part of the Christian platform of standards. The same is true of “drink” or beverage standards. Feasts and festivals were another major issue.  

Sabbaths…This is one of the BIG issues. Judaism has many celebratory holidays as do/did some Gentiles. Jewish converts to Christianity did not want to abandon them and Gentile converts did not wish to recognize or practice Jewish holidays. Even today this is a major no-no to consider any day but Sunday as the official day of worship. Paul is saying that a believer’s day of worship is 24/7. That in and of itself is misunderstood. Today’s church has almost restricted it to Sunday and, a mid-week service or two we lovingly call a Bible study. 

Hebrews 10:25 includes more than a statement for believers to gather. It does not even mention a Sabbath being a Jewish Friday evening through Saturday at sunset, or Sunday for protestants. This verse simply commands that believers gather to encourage one another.  

Colossians 2:17-19 is well summarized in verse 20 of chapter 2…Therefore, if you died with Christ from the basic principles of the world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations—…”  

A new believer having died with Christ means one, as is symbolized in baptism, is dead of his or her old sin nature and risen as a new creature in Christ…no longer in or of this world. Read the entirety of verse 20. Why verse 20 is not preached or studied more often is a mystery to this website. We find ourselves believing in human-caused routines, habits of old, and traditions not even mentioned as part of our worship and never in scripture. 

Colossians 2:21-23. Found in the concluding verse in Colossians chapter 2 mention a few of those things we feel obliged to adhere to while the Apostle Paul is putting them to question. What Paul is pointing out is far too often in today’s church we adhere to man’s regulations and denominational doctrine as much and perhaps even more than what Paul is telling us in Colossians.  

In short, Paul has laid out Christianity not only to the Church of Colossae but to us today. 

Rev. Dr. Jstark – 2024 

Colossians 2:6-15 

Verse 6 is often the challenge of living a solid life in Christ 24/7. Verses 6 and 7 of Chapter 2 set the conditions. There is not a verse to be found in the Bible that does not follow the If you, then I” condition of one’s relationship with God. It means God is available, but one must SEEK him. We have all heard, or perhaps prayed ourselves, the prayer request of God to “be with” so-in-so. The question is, does one believe James 4:8? It reads: 

Draw (one’s self) near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts…” Asking God to be with so-in-so or asking that so-in-so draw close to him are stark different.

Which action comes first? If one first draws near to God, THEN God will draw nearer to him or her. Who must make the initial move? Our prayers for others such as missionaries, Christian associates, those in sick beds, or family members should be for God to turn their hearts to him 24/7 so he can draw them nearer to him or her. This is precisely what the Bible means by God upon creation gave us free-will.

Here is an even more pointed condition found in 2 Chronicles 15:2: 

“Listen to me, Asa and all Judah and Benjamin. The LORD is with you WHEN you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you, but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you.” Here we once again see the “If you then Icondition of our relationship with GOD. The last line in this verse is very clear: If one forsakes Him (God) He will forsake him or her. 

SADLY, THIS CONDITION IS EASILY MISSED OR REJECTED OUT OF HAND. Why? We have been fed a false promise from pulpits and others for far too many years. What our modern-day center of preaching is “God is Love.”Paul warns several times in his letter to the Church of Colossae not to be deceived. This is clearly stated in verse 8 of chapter 2: 

(NKJV) Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.” 

One should read this verse several times and discuss it with other believers. This takes us back up to 2 Chronicles 15:2If you forsake Him, He will forsake you.” Recall that there is a reason Epaphus came to Paul in the first place. He was concerned about the differing and conflicting positions so-called men with self-proclaiming religious credentials were trying to bring into his church in Colossae.  

Jews who came out of Judaism wanted to bring Jewish practices of things like circumcision, dietary restrictions, day of worship, and religious holidays as conditions of salvation and wrongly fundamental to the Christian church. See Colossians 2:16. 

Rev. Dr. Jstark – 2024 

Colossians 2 (part 1)

Colossians 2 of 4 

Chapter 2 has some dynamic information per Christian living. It confronts subjects only occasionally discussed or approached from the pulpit or small groups. Upon close examination, one might miss the information that Paul is providing those in Colossae. What he discusses is globally applicable to the believer then, today, and tomorrow. Let us take a quick but pointed examination of Colossians 2. 

 Colossians 2:2 can become one of those read-through-the-Bible mysteries. Example: A read-thru-the-Bible in one or two years leaves little of no time to examine what the verse is saying. It reads per the NKJV: “…that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ…One age-old debate… is God the Father and Christ two God’s in one? If Christ is an equal to God the father; if man was created in God’s image, what part in man is Christ and which part is the Father. Is the mystery as quoted above in verse 2 one mystery or two? 

JIV NOTE: We will expand on this in a future article. To offer a satisfactory answer it is worthwhile writing an explanation in and of itself. 

Also found in verse 2:2 of Colossians is… that their hearts may be knit together in love.” When examining this in the Greek, one could also conclude that it means: “not held together by human rules, regulations, traditions, and conditions.” Think about this before reading on. How much of our lives are regulated or influenced by tradition, group norms, or group culture? Where is the agape’ love to which this verse specifies? Unity does not come by human (world) standards. Standing together with others does not mean s/he is always of the same thought. 

Colossians 2 verse 3. (David Guzik) “He knew that discouraged, downcast Christians are easy prey for the world, the flesh, and the devil.” When one closely examines this verse, it includes the neutralized Christian; a believer who has lost his or her enthusiasm for the standards of living in Christ. In short, Paul is concerned about worship becoming an acceptable routine instead of a heart desire. 

2:4 Paul is not only cautioning the Church of Colossae, but every believer. Matthew teaches in Matthew 24:5 that many will be deceived, not only in End Time but during all times. This is why a Bible education, be it in a group study, at church, one-on-one, or a formal Bible education is essential. Without KNOWLEDGE, how can there be any hope of UNDERSTANDING. This may sound a bit silly; this is why common-sense warning labels are found on almost any product one purchases. One example is on a gas can… WARNING: Contents are highly flammable. People lacking knowledge of this warning could damage, injure, or kill themselves or others through that ignorance.  

Let us add to this thought. Without knowledge there is no possibility of decision-making with wisdom. To the reader of this article: One may know the “stories” in the Bible, but what is their application to us as individuals? 

We will continue with Colossians 2 in our next blog. There is some fascinating information in this chapter that often escapes the human mind yet so simple and straight forward. 

Rev. Dr. Jstark 

Colossians Chapter 1 of 4 (A.D. 60) 

Although the church in Colossae (city) is in the mix of several churches the Apostle Paul established in this area of what we now call Turkey/Syria, it is a church he never visited. It is believed that Epaphras established this church. He is not to be confused with Epaphroditus (Phil 2:25; 4:18), a member of the Philippian church; a church Apostle Paul did establish. Some scholars believe Epaphras was a convert of Paul. 

Paul writes Colossians to the Church of Colossae by request of Epaphras. Rev. David Guzik suggests: 

“Paul wrote because there were problems among the Christians in Colossae, but the doctrinal problem – sometimes described as “The Colossian Heresy” is difficult to precisely define. It probably was a corruption of Christianity with elements of mystical and legalistic Judaism perhaps combined with early Gnosticism.”  

It is easy to recognize that Colossians 1 is a chapter long prayer as testified by to whom Paul is giving all credit, even from prison. He is praising God for the deeds and victories of the church of Colossae. Paul wrote his letter to the Colossians sometime around AD 60. He was encouraged by reports of their faith and love. However, Epaphras was not visiting the Apostle Paul in prison for a social occasion. At the same time as Paul wrote to the Church of Colossae, Paul wrote to Philemon (the Book of Philemon) who also headed a-home different church in Colossae.  

Amazingly, another MAJOR event occurred in AD 60. There was a major earthquake in this part of Turkey. Researchers feel that this quake became the concluding detriment of Colossae. It faded into history. 

So, what was the concern of Epaphras to consult the Apostle Paul about the church in Colossae?  

We borrow this quote from https://www.gotquestions.org/Colossian-heresy.html

“Drawing primarily on the information in the first part of Colossians, we surmise that the Colossian heresy diminished the preeminence of Christ and the sufficiency of His sacrifice on the cross to forgive sins. Instead, this false teaching emphasized adherence to rules and regulations that are powerless to profoundly change lives. Most modern cults also diminish Christ and emphasis rituals, so the message of Colossians is timely even now in the 21st century.” 

Check the standards of the church you may attend. Are there local rules and regulations or formalities that create more of a church routine than it does honest Spirit filled worship? 

Rev. Dr. Jstark 
December, 2023 

Next article will be Colossians 2 of 4 chapters

Colossians 1:9 & 10 [ESV]The path to salvation, then, his or her service to God

AWARENESS: Col 1:9  And so, from the day we heard [awareness), we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, 

Col 1:10  means to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;

“Increasing in the (knowledge) of God studying to show one is approved of God…rightly dividing the Word of Truth” [II Timothy 2:15]

Either scripture is without flaw, or it cannot be trusted for anything. Ephesians 4 is powerful instruction but within this chapter, we also find: (KJV Ephesians 4:3-6)

 Endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace…

There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.One’ in Greek (hice) is an absolute. ‘All’ (pas) means “without exception”

Jesus points out in Colossians that Christian growth is a process. The building block or foundation of understanding is knowledge; a knowledge that comes from awareness. Nothing excluded. The Bible is not a book of stories. It is a history. There is but one history of this earth but two powers; good versus evil; and God versus Satan. Dale Carnegie states, from childhood, that “most learning is by association.”  

Example: “In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue,” but did you know that between 1492 and 1503 was the Great Catholic Inquisition to purge Spain of Jews? Leave, die, or convert were their only options. Tens of thousands if not more than a million were exported to Aleppo retaining their “sons (tribal name) of Isaac” identities. Many fled to North Africa mixing in with or being re-identified as the Carthaginians, or north toward Scandinavia territories. Some died for their identities. Some changed their names to what King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella considered more (Catholic) or Christian. These Jewish Israelites were allowed to remain in Spain.

KNOWLEDGE: Of the twelve Tribes of Israel (incorrectly lumped in the mind of most, as Jews or Sons of Judah) we have: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulon, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Naphtali, Joseph (Manasseh and Ephraim) and Asher. To retain their tribal identities and connections in Spain they opted for so-called “Christian names.”  However, they renamed each family with an acceptable Christian-sounding name using the first letter of their ancestral tribe. (Example only: Reuben could be Robinson or Rupert).

Now we have a technical problem. Both Judah and Joseph begin with the letter “J.” God knew what was in store for the tribes of Israel and the issues they would face. 2,000 years earlier as the Israelites left Egypt, Joseph had relinquished his tribal name to his two sons via Jacob’s blessing on them (Genesis 48:3; Joshua 14:4). This means the duplicate “J” within the Tribes, Judah and Joseph, was no longer an issue 2,400 years later during the Spanish Inquisition. Instead, we have two additional tribal names with first initials that conflict with none of the other tribal name spellings i.e., Manasseh and Ephraim. (R, S, L, J, Z, I, D, G, N, A, M, E). What are the odds of naming 12 sons without duplicating the first letter in each individual name? God knew this issue of name changes that were to be mandated during the Spanish Inquisition in 1492-1503 A.D. 3,000 years after the first son of Jacob was born. Reuben was born around 1590(?) B.C.

Such knowledge puts teeth into scripture being infallible and helps with understanding. What is left of the Colossians 1 reference? DESIRE and ACTION. That begins with an advanced education well beyond bible history. We will be delving into Colossians later. Be reminded or recall that the Apostle Paul did not start or visit the church of Colossae. Credit for that is assigned to Epaphras. It is he who petitions Paul to advise what to do with the issues that were creeping into the Church of Colossae. This was the beginning for denominational difference…all man-manifested.

­­­­Shalom Aleichem.

Rev. Dr. Jstark

“A parable is a fictitious example designed to teach a lesson through comparisons.” When one understands the comparison s/he can better relate it to his or her own grasp of life.

Halloween – 2023

No, this article is not about the does and don’t s, good and bad, of this recently traditional day. It is to timestamp this article for the reader’s sake.

A reader mentioned Acts 16:31 and asked us to expand on its meaning. We all know of men or women turning their lives over to Christ but did not have their family follow. He and his family, including his pastor, think this verse applies to one’s personal household. I fear too many people do not do a respectable job or bother to take the time to follow the Greek on a word-for-word study. It does make a difference. This verse has a profound difference if one only gives it a surface read and his or her first impression of the meaning of this verse. 

Act 16:31Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and (deh in Greek) you will be saved, you and (Kayhee in Greek) your household.” 

The first use of the word “and” in this same verse is deh in the Greek.  

Deh: but, and, also, moreover, now… The real question to be answered to understand the meaning of this verse is the word “saved.” We use the word “saved” to mean one thing…born again and now “saved” and outside the judgment of sin. In this verse the Greek word for saved is sode’-zo. Its basic translation is “safe” not salvation. Safe from what? Safe from the Roman military punishment and consequences for a guard who loses a prisoner. This verse says the Jailer will have both his salvation AND be *safe/saved (sode’-zo) from the Roman consequence of allowing or not stopping a prison break. 

*Strong’s G4982: to make safe, that is, deliver or protect (literally or figuratively): – heal, preserve, save (self), do well. None of these alternative words suggests salvation. 

Of course, Paul had a card up his sleeve that he had not yet revealed to the Jewish leaders who had originally had him arrested. He was a Roman citizen and KNEW the panic that will set in when he reveals this to the Jewish leadership. They FEARED the Romans. They had zero authority to put on trial and judge a Roman citizen for anything.  

I am confident most do not need a review of the circumstances surrounding this passage in Acts 16. Following the earthquake that dropped the chains on the Apostle Paul and the other prisoners then sprung each jail doors open. The jailer panicked due to the Roman code of punishment for jailers who allowed prisoners to escape; especially those already jailed and chained. The jailer would be executed without a trial and for each added person who escapes, another in his household would be executed. 

you will be saved, you and (and is Kayhee in Greek) your household.  

Kayhee: even, so, then, too, both, but, even, for, if, indeed, likewise, moreover, so, that, then, therefore, when, yea, yet. Each of these words could be substituted for the word “and” when it is Kayhee. Bible translators had to opt for ONE English word. After reviewing over 40 English translations of this verse we found two that came close to being clearer as to what was really being said.  

There are two different “and” in this passage. The first use of the word “and” in this verse is deh in the Greek.  

Deh can be translated: but, and, also, moreover, now… The real question to be answered to understand the meaning of this verse is the word “saved.” We use the word “saved” to mean one thing…born again and now “saved” and outside the judgment of sin. In this verse the Greek word for saved is *sode’-zo. Its basic translation is “safe” not salvation. Safe from what? Safe from the Roman military punishment and consequences for a guard who loses a prisoner. This verse says the Jailer will have both his salvation AND be *safe/saved (sode’-zo) from the consequence of allowing or not stopping a prison break while under his watch. 

*Strong’s G4982: to make safe, that is, deliver or protect (literally or figuratively): – heal, preserve, do well. None of these alternative words suggests salvation. 

Even though Paul had a card that he had not yet revealed to the Jewish leaders who had him arrested, he kept it until after the earthquake. He was a Roman citizen and KNEW the panic that would set in when he reveals this to the Jewish leadership. They FEARED the Romans. Such a revelation would put the lives of Paul’s oppressors in jeopardy. 

Rev. Dr. Jstark 
2023 – October 

I Corinthians 1 – The two things missing from most Bible lessons are PLACEMENT and CONTEXT.

Paul the Apostle wrote this Book, the Road to Damascus event – about 33/34 A.D.

  1. After the death of Judas, the church (totaling about 120 believers) met in Jerusalem to decide who among them would be uniquely qualified to replace him (Acts 1).
    1. Act 1:23 “And they proposed two: Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and [their 2nd choice] Matthias”.
    1. The 12th foundation in the heavenly Jerusalem (Revelation 21:14) will have 12 names.
    1. Paul’s Old Testament training – Acts 22:3 (Gamaliel – Acts 5:38-39)
    1. There was no scroll/Bible of the New Testament at this time [33/34 B.C.E.] Believers depended upon the Old Testament for the salvation message. Mostly their study was in Isaiah.
    1. Christianity was only about 18 years in existence at the time of Corinthians
  2. To be called an Apostle, one had to be: [*Matthias – Acts 1:12-26]
    1. personally called by Christ,
    1. taught by him directly for several years, as Paul would be for 3 years in the wilderness. (Galatians 1:17-18),
    1. have seen Jesus or had been with him after his resurrection (Acts 1:17, 22, 25).

*Matthias is never mentioned again by name in the New Testament.

Twice in 1 Corinthians Paul identifies as an Apostle. 1 Corinthians 15 deals more with Apostleship. There a many more times he calls himself an “Apostle” when introducing another Book of the Bible he authored.

The Apostle Paul’s calling is like every Christian’s call. It is the effectual call by God Himself. For Paul, it was Jesus Christ’s very appearance that struck him down and humbled him enough to believe in Christ. It was while “Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus so that if he found any belonging to The Way, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem” (Acts 9:1-2) but “suddenly a light from heaven shone around him. And falling to the ground he heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” And he said, “I am Jesus

Corinthians: Their internal divisions included a lack of church discipline, lawsuits amongst themselves, abuse of Christian liberty, and over-emphasis on the gift of tongues, all illustrate the root problems of the Church in Corinth, AND, in many denominations in today’s modern church.

After Paul began work at Corinth, Crispus, the chief ruler of the synagogue, was converted. He was replaced by *Sosthenes. *Is he the same Sosthenes of Acts 18:16? He had a similar job as Paul before Paul’s Road to Damascus experience. This might be why Paul mentions him.

What is the difference between being a Disciple (learner/student) and being an Apostle? Being a disciple means being a follower (student) of Jesus. Being an apostle means being a messenger; one who is sent. Apostle: plenipotentiary/ambassador of a master. [See #2 above]

Are believers saved or in the process of being saved?

1 Corinthians 1:18 – [NASB] For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

KJV:    but unto us which are saved
NKJV: are being saved
YLT:    those being saved
ESV:    are being saved     
HCSB: us who are being saved

50 A.D. is when Paul left Athens and went to Corinth (Acts 18)

Paul’s visit to Corinth coincided with Emperor Claudius’ order for all Jews to leave Rome

Paul reveals to the church their spiritual immaturity.  This caused him to teach (3rd chapter) them only basic “milk of the word” principles of Christianity. 

The church was originally a secular term referring to “the gatherings of the citizenry in a city-state to discuss and decide on matters of public interest” [William de la Mare], Paul calls the gathering of Christians in Corinth the church of God. This isn’t the gathering of the world, but of God, a gathering place.

The term Korinthiazomai was well known in the Roman Empire and meant “to live like a Corinthian.”

Paul’s major concern: Is the Church of God influencing Corinth or is the city influencing the Church of God? We could easily debate this TODAY as concerns America.

1Co 1:14  I thank God that I have baptized none of you, unless it is Crispus and Gaius. (WHY?)

That Paul did not regard baptism as essential to salvation. We see this in the fact that he did not keep careful track of whom he had baptized. Baptism is a testimony, not the path to salvation. Baptism after salvation is part of the Mark of Christ within a person.

(1Co_1:18) The central point: How the world sees the cross, and how the saved see the cross.

            [world] A crucified man or [believer] the son of God crucified.

Deduction from 1 Corinthians: Satan wants man to dispute every principle offered in the Bible. He wants man to solve all problems through human reasoning.

CHURCH: The Greek word “ecclesia,” from which we get the terms “ecclesial” and “ecclesiastical.” The word was in use centuries before the Christian church appeared on the scene. It referred to a socio-political gathering of citizens, who were called together to attend to the concerns of their city. Ecclesia, Greek Ekklēsia, (“gathering of those summoned”) Homer’s agora: The place and those assembling

A church that upholds doctrinal purity at the expense of showing love is just as flawed as a church that upholds congregational harmony at the expense of truthful teachings

Charles Spurgeon: A blind man is certainly no judge of colors, a deaf man is no judge of sound, and a man who is not quickened into spiritual life can have no judgment as to spiritual things”.