Daniel 12 (conclusion of Daniel) Look up and read 1 Peter 1:10-12. It relates to Daniel 12

Q: In 1 Peter 1:10-12 how does Peter’s explanation help explain Daniel’s situation in these verses?

  1. God is in control of the timing as to when prophecy comes true, not Jesus. The timing as to when the meaning of the prophecy will be revealed is his and his only. He is sovereign.
  2. There are things given in the Old Testament that have been hidden until God’s workings moved from Israel to His church, i.e. age of the Gentile church. Other things had to be set up to fulfill what was revealed; so prophecy often describes a goal or end result, but not always the detailed, specific means.  We confuse or do not understand the prophetic motive unless we can grasp the motivation.
  3. Daniel’s desire to know “what will be the outcome” as Peter explained is more focused on the outcome than knowing the greater spiritual meanings behind it.  We cannot understand faith until we practice it.

Q: What is the greater sign that is once again highlighted?

A: In Daniel 12:5-7, the greater sign concerning the timing and fulfillment was “as soon as they finish shattering the power of the holy people” – spiritual persecution. In v.10 of I Peter it’s the purging, purification, and refinement of God’s people contrasted with those who continue to embrace sin. As Satan turns up the heat, our personal impurities flow to the top as seen by others and our own knowledge of them. This is when a decided action of each person must be made. Is his or her action one of skimming off the impurities that come to the surface or is it going to be a situation of “well enough so left alone” or a “good enough” type of action each individual takes.

JIV NOTE:  There is a great spiritual issue at work behind the events of the End Time that is separating the truly righteous from the wicked. What Christ said He’ll do at the end of that time is actually just confirming the behavior and choices individuals embraced during his or her life. His judgment just puts the exclamation point, so to speak, to what has been going on spiritually the whole time. [Matthew 7:2 and Romans 2:6]

But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left.” [Matthew 25:31-33]

This is a verse of critical consequences. Individuals will no longer have excuses. Each will be identified as a sheep of God or a goat (*imitation sheep or nonbeliever). *religious people.


Q: So what are the numbers associated with the End Times described in “days”?

A: The numbers given include 1,260; 1,290; 1,335.

Q: How do these numbers fit together? What exactly do they mean?

A: We don’t really know, but many theologians do much guessing.  They may be concurrent days, overlapping days, or different times given in [day-years]. We know they tell us something about the timing and relationships of things yet to come, but as yet it has not been precisely revealed.  This may very well be some of what Daniel was told to “seal up.” However, when we synchronize the Jewish lunar calendar to the seasons, as needed they add an additional “leap month” of *Adar. In other words, there are times when a 3-1/2 year period can have both 1,260 AND 1,290 days.

* Adar was the last month the Jewish people spent in Egypt before the Exodus. Adar’s joy is so great, in part, because it serves as the opening to an even greater rejoicing: the miracles of Passover.

Q: What is the event that will trigger these things? What is the greater spiritual thing at work?

A: According to both Daniel here in 12:11, and Christ Himself in Matthew 24:15, it’s the “abomination of desolation”. This is the kick-off or starting point to identified events; histories that have yet to be current events.

Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand) [Matthew 24:15]

JIV NOTE: We will know this when it happens. “When we see….” The righteous and studied believer will know but the ignorant will have no clue. This may be an argument for the rapture of Christians to be at the mid-point of the tribulation. We at ahabiblemoments believe that those who become sons and daughters of Christ during the Tribulation are the “WE” in this verse.

Many theories have come and gone concerning 1,260, 1,290, and 1,335 – and many continue to this day – but none of them can come true without the visible witness of the greatest spiritual deception ever attempted. “Many will be deceived…” This is where and when Satan through the person of the Antichrist sets himself up, demands that he be worshiped, and attempts to unseat God including the Islamic Allah (12th Imam) himself. Nebuchadnezzar, Antiochus Epiphanes IV (during the time of the Maccabees; 167 B.C. to around 30 B.C.), and Titus (the Roman destruction of Jerusalem; 70 A.D.) all teach us about this event. They mimicked it, setting up an idol of themselves to be worshiped in place of the One True God. Before we truly understand the numbers at the end of Daniel 12, we must first understand and recognize the abomination of desolation, Satan’s great spiritual deception.


Many have concentrated on the individual events, perhaps too much, therefore missing the greater spiritual message and meaning accompanying each event:

  1. The most important thing is that one’s name is found to be written in the Book of Life; that is, a life devoted to Christ 24/7; a be-liever.
  2. This final, seven-year period, the 70th week of Daniel’s Seventy 7s, holds a reward for all Believers. They can and may by personal choice or assigned be part of the Messiah’s millennial earthly kingdom to come.
  3. Those who come to know these things and study them will come to understand them in the same way Daniel did, through earnest prayer, fasting, meditation, on and with the study of God’s Word. This will not mean knowledge alone can or will decipher numbers and such. Knowledge does not mean understanding. Such people defined here as having “insight”, (to be – to live; believers) preach and live righteousness.
  4. There are greater spiritual events that will put these things into their proper context: persecution of the nation Israel, Israelis finally accepting Jesus as their Messiah, persecution of all Believers, and Satan’s attempt to spiritually pervert and deceive everyone through the person of the Antichrist in the work of the abomination of desolation. These things pertaining to the spiritual environment are the most important indicators and triggers for which we need to remain vigilant.
  5. As Peter explained, prophets such as Daniel – and even the angels themselves – are more interested in how these things speak of Jesus than how they fit together into some kind of timeline. So should we. The spiritual (soul) is far more important than the physical (mind and body).
  6. The greater spiritual working during this last seven-year period is separating the sheep from the goats – the righteous from the wicked or imitator – which Christ Himself formally finalizes at the end. So the greater issue at work is the quality of each individual’s faithfulness.
  7. Overall, this is a call for spiritual endurance. It’s not a test of knowledge, but a test of faith.

This all adds up to a pyramid or status of people. Like a pyramid, the largest number of the ALL in the world is the baseline. As individuals advance up the pyramid the number included is no longer the “ALL” but whittled to some. It is by choice to accept or deny God.

Awareness, Knowledge and even Understanding are personal choices to everyone. A denomination or particular church cannot make this an actuality. We teach but individuals must decide.

Desire and Action come from the choice to do something about it. We can opt to remain ignorant, but that is a choice. We can understand the consequences but still not opt to follow Christ 24/7. Our action of accepting the truth or rejecting it is tethered to the final judgment of us by God.

Thank you for following this extensive study of Daniel. All rights to use this study are free but not for reproduction to be sold. God’s Plan of Salvation (our GPS) is not for sale. It too is a choice…YOURS! We Teach – You Decide

Rev. Dr. Jstark
2013 (revised 2023)

Daniel 11:21-35. We left off in the previous article on Daniel 11 with Seleucid Philopator having been (supposedly) poisoned by his younger brother Mithridates; AKA: the notorious Antiochus IV. It is his actions that begin to parallel End Time’s prophecy regarding the battles between the King of the North and the King of the South. Yes, history identifies the biblical States as Syria and Egypt. These two nations may not be the End Time battling kings but their paths, attitudes, and actions parallel End Time prophecies.

JIV: In a previous article we pointed out two significant factors.

  1. Israel (Jews) will not, perhaps “cannot” accept an End Time deceiver other than one of their own kind. We all know that the Jews anticipate a Messiah but do not accept Jesus as the one. They accept that their Messiah will come from within their own people and be from the Tribe of Judah, i.e., a JEW. This is a descendant of King David and from the Tribe of Judah.
  2. Muslims will not bow to or accept anything other than their own version of the future. One that is led by a great Muslim; the 12th Imam (primarily held in very high esteem by the Shi’a. The Sunni branch of Islam does not have Imams in the same sense as the Shi’a, an important distinction often overlooked by those outside of the Islamic religion. Both groups await the return of the 12th Imam/Messiah who will judge the world converting all faiths to Islam; destroying abstainers, objectors, and nonconformists.

So what does this mean? If anti-Christ is from either group, the other side of this same coin will be identified as a counterfeit. There will be a ruler of the north, possibly Europe Union often identified as the resurrected Holy Roman Empire, and a ruler in the Arab (south) probably someone identified as the 12th Imam; Muhammad al Mahdi.

NOTE: We will have more to share on this touchy subject later, but this helps set the stage for the following dual or parallel prophecies; prophecies already fulfilled plus parallel End Time prophecy yet to be revealed.

Verse 11:21 to 35

21 He [Seleucid Philopator] will be succeeded by a contemptible person [Antiochus IV Epiphanes “the Illustrious” using his own words. His birth name was Mithradites] he has not been given the honor of royalty [natural succession to the throne; held in contempt by those around him. He had poisoned his older brother Antiochus III]. He will invade the kingdom [Syrian Empire; his own country] when its people feel secure, and he [Antiochus Epiphanes; Life span; 215 B.C. to 164 B.C.] will seize it through intrigue. 22 Then an overwhelming army will be swept away before him; both it [Ptolemy VI Philometer, son of Cleopatra I] and a prince of the covenant [What other covenant is not revealed other than The Law of Moses; this could have been the High Priest Jason or Onias III but in End Time parallel prophecy, this will be the Jerusalem Temple leadership] will be destroyed. 23 After coming to an agreement with him [Egypt and the Province of Israel], he will act deceitfully, and with only a few people he will rise to power [as will the anti-Christ]. 24 When the richest provinces [those areas supposedly protected by Rome as in an End Time revived Holy Roman Empire] feel secure, he [Epiphany of the north] will invade them and will achieve what neither his father nor his forefathers did. He will distribute plunder, loot and wealth among his followers [close associates who support him; many deserters of Judaism]. He will plot the overthrow of *fortresses—but only for a time; [*the richest of the provinces under his control. He does this through lies, deceit, and intrigue. “Only for a time” may suggest a parallel to End Time, the 7-year Tribulation; perhaps it being only the last 3 ½ years of Daniel’s 70th week]

JIV AHA MOMENT: Here is where the origins of saying, to draw a line (circle) in the sand statement comes from. Antiochus Epiphanies invades Egypt, which is ruled by his pharaoh nephew, Ptolemy Philometer, son of Cleopatra I. He is threatened by Rome. Withdraw his troops or be considered at-war with Rome. The Roman emissary who was in Egypt at this time demanded an answer from (Antiochus Epiphanes IV) before *stepping over the line in the sand”; an idiom. The Roman Emissary Gaius Popillius Laenas had drawn a circle around Antiochus Epiphany IV in 168 B.C. a circle in the sand while they both stood on Egyptian soil. He agreed, then took his anger out on Jerusalem, Judaism, slaughtering 80,000 Jews and disgracing the Temple while returning to Syria. This is very similar to what the Bible tells us what it will be like during End Time Tribulation for Israel.

We don’t have the space to insert the entire setting of this passage’s parallel prophecy to End Time happenings but…(now we continue with identifying the pronouns used by Daniel in chapter 11).

 25 “With a large army he will stir up his strength and courage against the king of the South [Egypt]. The king of the South [Ptolemy VI Philometer Physcon] will wage war [against Epiphanes of Syria] with a large and very powerful army, but he [Ptolemy VI Philometer Physcon; Egypt] will not be able to stand because of the plots devised against him [his own people and Satraps (sub-kings of sort) of Egypt plotted against him including true Egyptians; i.e. Nubians, desiring to replace their ‘GREEK’ Pharaoh with an Egyptian Pharaoh]. 26 Those who eat from the king’s provisions will try to destroy him; his army will be swept away, and many will fall in battle. 27 The two kings [Ptolemy VI Philometer and Antiochus Epiphanes], with their hearts bent on evil, will sit at the same table and lie to each other, but to no avail because an end will still come at the appointed time. 28 The king of the North will return to his own country with great wealth, but his heart will be set against the holy covenant [The Law of Moses being honored in former Israeli territories after being expelled from Egypt by Roman threats of war if he didn’t stand down; step out of the line in the sand]. He will take action [with great anger] against it [Israeli territory – Jews of the Tribe of Judah primarily in and around Jerusalem] and then return to his own country. 29 “At the appointed time he [Epiphanes of Syria] will invade the South again, but this time the outcome will be different from what it was before. 30 Ships of the western coastlands [Rome then; End Time Tribulation?] will oppose him, and he will lose heart. Then he will turn back and vent his fury against the holy covenant [Law of Moses and the Jews in the former Kingdom of Judah; 80,000 slaughtered]. He will return and show favor to those [false and self-centered priests of Judaism; those who preach a false religion rejecting traditional Judaism] who forsake the holy covenant.

 31His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress [Jerusalem] and will abolish the daily sacrifice. Then they will set up the abomination that causes desolation. 32 With flattery he will corrupt those (Jews) who have violated the covenant, but the people [True and Orthodox Jews of Jerusalem – the beginning of and rule of the Maccabeus revolt; 167 B.C. to 69 B.C.] who [Maccabee family of father and five sons] know their God will firmly resist him. [after 175 B.C. and just prior to 167 B.C.E. Antiochus Epiphanes of Syria plundered the Temple, once again captured Jerusalem, offered pig sacrifices on the altar of God, and forbid circumcision, Sabbath worship, and possession of the Law of Moses; manuscripts. He died in 164 B.C.]; 3 ½ years after he began the abomination and desecration of the Temple. The antichrist will do the same thing in 3 ½ years; Jacobs Trouble – Jeremiah 30:7.]

 33 “Those [Jews of Jerusalem; 2 Maccabees 5:11–14] who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they [followers of the High Priest: Menelaus was High Priest in Jerusalem from 171 B.C. to about 161 BC. He was the successor of Jason, the brother of Onias III.] will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered. 34 When they fall, they will receive little help, and many who are not sincere will join them. 35 Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end [JIV: This could be a reference to the 144,000 discussed in Revelations 14:3,4; 2nd Advent of Christ], for it will still come at the appointed time.

The King Who Exalts Himself (the interpretation of Daniel 11:1-35 has only some disagreement, BUT…)
From Dan 11:36 on, there is quite a diversity of opinions...
   a. Some believe Antiochus Epiphanes is still the subject
   b. Others suggest that a Roman emperor is being described (a possibility)
 If this (*c) is correct, the kings (leaders) referred to from this point on in Daniel 11 are symbolic and refer to leaders we do not yet know. They may already be in power today, or very soon will be. It also means from this point forward in Daniel, the territories mentioned are symbolic as were the territories and rulers in Daniel 11:1-35 in actuality but now fulfilled in what we identify as “secular” history. Both forks of this parallel in prophecies from Daniel’s pen and parchment paper go nameless but the first half can be identified as we have done in this Daniel series. It was written BEFORE it played out as today’s history and End Time events are yet to become history.
   *c. Still, others believe it refers to someone yet to come [Antichrist? Very possible]
   d. JIV: This is part of the watershed prophecy of short term (Antiochus) and a parallel End Time (antichrist); this parallel (watershed) probably different-times prophecies begin at Daniel 11:21. Other commentaries suggest the parallel begins at verse 11:36.

Rev. Dr. Jstark

Daniel Study – Chapter 11:1-20

Giving names to the pronouns in Daniel 11

Daniel 11 is a full discussion in and of itself. By taking historical records and comparing, perhaps better said…paralleling them to historical bible records of prophecy, we are able to identify proper names instead of the generic pronouns often used in chapter 11. This is a separate set of articles due to its length with added narratives mostly in red. The proper names of persons, places and things will be inserted in the following articles on Daniel. One of the major reasons Daniel 11 is written using pronoun descriptions instead of specific names, places, and things is its dual parallel prophecies with End Time events. Think on this factor then Daniel 11 will make more sense. We now “fill in the blanks” per the persons’, places and things of Daniel 11.

Daniel 11 (JIV insertion of the historical names referenced in Daniel 11)

 1 And in the first year of Darius the Mede [the first king referred to after the fall of Babylon to the Medes & Persians] the angel Michael took my stand to support and protect him.) (NOTE: Ever wonder WHY he (Michael) took a stand to protect Darius the Mede???? Allow us to submit a suggestion.

The Lion’s Den event occurred under Darius. He only ruled for two years but was the doorway through which Daniel transferred his Babylonian loyalties as a ruler to the Mede-Persian government over the same territories. It was at this time the 70 year Babylonian captivity was coming to an end. Daniel needed to have an inside track in order to approach the King of Persia (Cyrus). Cyrus knew about Daniel through Darius.

The Kings of the South and the North
This chapter is one of the most highly debated as whether or not Daniel actually wrote it. People who try to give credit to others for writing Daniel 11 have no idea what the word prophecy means.

  2 “Now then, [the angel Michael is speaking] I tell you [Daniel] the truth: Three more kings will arise in Persia, and then a fourth, who will be far richer than all the others. [Cambyses, Smerdis, Darius the Great, Xerxes (aka: Ahasuerus)] When he [Xerxes/Ahasuerus; with whom Esther married] has gained power by his wealth, he will stir up everyone against the kingdom of Greece [Xerxes invaded Greece with land troops and a navy. Successful at first, he had to return to Babylon to put down a revolt. He left behind a commander who lost the war with Macedonia-Greece but left great anger in the hearts of the Greeks]. 3 Then a mighty king [Alexander the Great of Macedonia-Greece [356-323 B.C.]; invades Persia in retaliation for what Xerxes [aka: Ahasuerus] of Persia [519 B.C.—died 465, Persepolis, Iran, Persian king 486–465 B.C., the son and successor of Darius] had done to Greece many years prior; [Artaxerxes the V was in power in Persia when Alexander conquered this empire killing it’s royalty] will arise, who will rule with great power and do as he pleases. 4 After he [Alexander] has arisen his empire will be broken up and parceled out toward the four winds of heaven. It will not go to his descendants, nor will it have the power he exercised, because his empire will be uprooted and given to others. [Alexander’s Greek Empire, the major portions of it, was ultimately divided between four of his major generals; Ptolemy in Egypt, General Seleucus Nicator- who began the Seleucid (Syrian) empire, Greek General Cassander took control of Greece proper but was challenged by General Antigonus, and General Lysimachus who took control of Thracia between Greece and Turkey. This is the territory the Apostle Paul evangelized 300+ years later; N.T.]

5The king of the South [General Ptolemy I in Egypt] will become strong, but one of his former commanders [Seleucus Ist Nicator; several of Alexander’s generals were fighting for the same territory] will become even stronger than he and will rule his [Seleucus Ist Nicator – Syrian empire] own kingdom with great power (history tells us that Seleucus became strong and took some of the Middle East including Syria from Antigonus). 6 After some years, they (Egypt and Syria) will become allies. The daughter [Berenice] of the king of the South [Ptolemy Philadelphius] will go to the king of the North [Antiochus II] to make an alliance, but she will not retain her power [two years after the marriage-alliance Ptolomy Philadelphius in Egypt dies], and he [Antiochus II] and his power[ will not last. In those days she [Berenice] will be betrayed, together with her royal escort and her father and the one who supported her. [Laodice, the first wife of Antiochus retaliated for him divorcing her and marrying Berenice by first murdering him then Berenice, her children by Antiochus and all attendants were put to the sword]

 7 “One from her [Berenice’s] family line [her brother Ptolemy Euregetes – Egypt] will rise to take her place. He [Ptolemy Euregetes] will attack the forces of the king [Seleucus II] of the North [to avenge his sister Berenice. He attacks Seleucus II Callinicus, King of Syria] and enter his fortress; he will fight against them and be victorious. 8 He [King Ptolemy Euregetes of Egypt, Berenice’s brother] will also seize their [Syrian] gods, their metal images, and their valuable articles of silver and gold and carry them off to Egypt [the Southern Kingdom]. For some years he will leave the king of the North [Syria] alone. 9 Then the king of the North [Seleucus II] will invade the realm of the king of the South [Egypt] but will retreat to his own country. 10 His sons [Seleucus III and Antiochus the Great of Syria; 223 B.C.] will prepare for war and assemble a great army, which will sweep on like an irresistible flood and carry the battle as far as his [Ptolemy Euegetes of Egypt] fortress. [The Syrians have limited success regaining former territory lost earlier by Seleucus II of Syria but do recapture the area of ancient Israel from the Ptolemy lll of Egypt, Berenice’s brother]

 11Then the king of the South [Ptolemy IV was the son of Ptolemy III and Berenice II]. will march out in a rage and fight against the king of the North [Antiochus the Great] who will raise a large army, but it will be defeated. 12 When the army is carried off, the king of the South [Ptolemy IV Philopator] will be filled with pride and will slaughter many thousands, yet he will not remain triumphant. 13 For the king of the North [Antiochus the Great] will muster another army, larger than the first; and after several years, he will advance with a huge army fully equipped.

 14 “In those times many [An alliance of Syria, Philip of Macedonia/Greece, and many Jews] will rise against the king of the South [Egypt; i.e. Ptolemy IV Philopator]. Those who are violent among your own people [The Jewish Maccabean family and Zealot Jews of the defunct Kingdom of Judah] will rebel in fulfillment of the vision, but without success. 15 Then the king of the North [Antiochus III the Great] will come and build up siege ramps and will capture a fortified city [Jerusalem]. The forces of the South will be powerless to resist; even their best troops will not have the strength to stand. 16 The invader [Antiochus III the Great; Syria] will do as he pleases; no one will be able to stand against him. He will establish himself in the Beautiful Land [Israel of old; this is symbolic of the antichrist yet to come, prior to and including the 7 year Tribulation, to set himself up in the Temple of Jerusalem] and will have the power to destroy it [the “IT” being Jerusalem].

17 He [Antiochus the Great/symbolic anti-Christ] will determine to come with the might of his entire kingdom [Syrian/antichrist’s Empire] and will make an alliance with the king of the South. And he will give him [King of Egypt] a daughter [Cleopatra I, born in 204 BC] in marriage [alliances were often sealed by marriages between enemies so their offspring might rule both kingdoms] in order to overthrow the kingdom [Egypt], but his plans[c] will not succeed or help him [Cleopatra I ends up taking the side of her husband in Egypt; kingdom of the south]. 18 Then he will turn his attention to the coastlands and will take many of them [Israelis], but a commander [Scipio Asiaticus, a Roman general] will put an end to his insolence and will turn his insolence back on him. 19 After this, he will turn back toward the fortresses of his own country but will stumble and fall [died], to be seen no more. [The Cleopatra of Egyptian and TV movie fame came from this same family line. She was born in 69 B.C. eventually married Julius Caesar producing one son, then had a love affair with Mark Anthony producing three sons]

At this point the angel of the Lord, talking to Daniel, begins to focuses on Syria; King (of the north) Seleucid Philopator and his son Antiochus IV Epiphany. In scripture we begin to see the future of prophecies diverging into what is now history and the End Time anti-Christ symbolism]

 20 “His [Antiochus the Great] successor [Seleucid Philopator; his eldest son of Antiochus] will send out a tax collector [to tax the peoples in the lands of Israel robbing the Temple treasury] to maintain the [his personal] royal splendor. In a few years, however, he will be destroyed, yet not in anger or in battle. [He was poisoned; some believe, by his younger brother], Mithradates was soon to be named Antiochus the IV Ephiphane, [who assumed the throne upon Seleucid Philopator’s untimely death by poison]

We pick it up at this point in our next article on Daniel 11.

Rev. Dr. Jstark

OUTLINE of each Chapter in Daniel NOTE: The chapters of Daniel are not all sequential as recorded

I. Daniel’s Dedication, 1:1-21
A. Daniel’s Circumstances, 1:1-7
B. Daniel’s Dedication, 1:8-16
C. Daniel’s Rise to Favor, 1:17-21

II. Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream: The Great Image, 2:1-49

A. The Dream received by Nebuchadnezzar, 2:1-6
B. The Dream revealed to Daniel, 2:7-23
C. The Dream recited then interpreted to Nebuchadnezzar, 2:24-45
D. The Promotion of Daniel in the Babylonian Empire, 2:46-49

III. The Fiery Furnace: A Lesson in Faith, 3:1-30

A. The Test of Faith, 3:1-12
B. The Demonstration of Faith, 3:13-18
C. The Vindication of Faith, 3:19-30

IV. Nebuchadnezzar’s Vision of the High Tree, 4:1-37 (chopped down but the stump remained).

A. The Vision Narrated by Nebuchadnezzar himself in the first-person, 4:1- 18
B. The Vision Interpreted by Daniel, 4:19-27
C. The Vision Fulfilled by God, 4:28-37

V. Belshazzar’s Feast, 5:1-31

A. Belshazzar’s Contribution to the Feast: Unrestrained Sensuality, 5:1-4
B. God’s Contribution to the Feast: Handwriting on the Wall, 5:5-6
C. Daniel’s Contribution to the Feast: Announcement of Doom, 5:7-29
D. Darius’s Contribution to the Feast: Destruction of Babylon, 5:30-31

VI. Daniel in the Lions’ Den, 6:1-28

A. The Position of Daniel, 6:1-3
B. The Plot Against Daniel, 6:4-9
C. The Prayer of Daniel, 6:10-11 [This is more like a prayer we should recite or follow as an example of prayer in church. The Lord’s Prayer was preceded by the command to do that prayer in a closed closet of private communion with God the Father]
D. The Prosecution of Daniel, 6:12-17
E. The Protection of Daniel, 6:18-28

VII. Daniel’s Vision of the Four Beasts, ten horns, little horn and the Ancient of Days, 7:1-28

A.         Historical Data, 7:1-3
B.         The Vision and the Interpretation, 7:4-15
C.         The interpretation 7:16-28

 VIII. Daniel’s Vision of the Ram, Goat, and Little Horn, 8:1-27

A.         The Vision, 8:1-14
B.         The Interpretation, 8:15-27

1. The ram, 8:15-20
2. The goat, 8:21-22
3. The little horn, 8:23-25
4. The effect on Daniel, 8:26-27

IX. Daniel’s Prophecy of Seventy Weeks of 7 Years each week, 9:1-27; i.e. the seventy 7’s prophecies. We translate the 70-7’s as 70 weeks but this is incorrect Hebrew. Not weeks but seven years per each of the 70 years: 7 weeks; 62 weeks; 1 week (End Time anti-Christ).

A.         Historical Data, 9:1-2
B.         Daniel’s Prayer, 9:3-19
C.         The Prophecy, 9:20-27

X. Daniel’s Prophetic Landscape, 10:1-12:13

A. Daniel’s Vision, 10:1-9
B. Daniel’s Strengthening, 10:10-11:1
C. Prophecies Concerning the Nations, 11:2-45

1. Persia, 11:2
2. Greece, 11:3-4
3. Egypt and Syria, 11:5-20
4. Antiochus Epiphanes IV, 11:21-35 (nicknamed Epiphmanes: the insane’ by many of his vindictive but so-called friends and administrators)
5. Antiochus Epiphanies IV actions parallel those of the End Time Antichrist, 11:36-45

D. Prophecies Concerning Israel; Daniel 12:1-13

JIV Note: per my comments in bible classes or from the pulpit, God’s covenants with Israel and the covenants for the New Testament church can follow parallel lines but are not always in-common. Quick example: Israel is promised the “Promised Land;” physical property in the Middle East during the Millennial Reign. The church is promised a rapture and Heavenly Promised Land.

Ephesians 6:12, 13 "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to [take a] stand." (Emphasis mine)

Self-Discussion: The Book of Daniel discusses the battles between angels, angelic forces and the necessity to be prepared for such deception and attacks of the prince of darkness. This Old Testament book gives us a better understanding of why Paul tells us in Ephesians 6 to put on the full armor of God; not to fight fellow mankind believers, but to resist the devil and his fallen legions in spiritual warfare [See Daniel 10 for examples].

This discussion between the angel Michael and Daniel in chapter 11 actually begins in Daniel 10:14 where he tells Daniel… “Now I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people (Israelites) in the latter days, for the vision refers to many days yet to come. Daniel and the angel Michael are talking about Israel and the chosen people; not the church. What more could have happened to God’s chosen people since the split in the nation of Israel into two separate kingdoms; i.e. the total dispersion of the Northern 10 tribe Kingdom of Israel by the Assyrians into the hinterlands of the world and in Daniel’s time the Southern Kingdom of Judah to Babylon? These are latter day events yet to be fulfilled.

Only a very few of these Judeans (Jews) returned to Judah/Jerusalem with Zerubbabel, Ezra, and finally Nehemiah. The New Testament “Jews” are the descendants of those who returned from Babylon, not from the Assyrian diaspora or dispersion of the tribes from the Northern Kingdom.


Daniel 11 cont. – The Historical background: As is my teaching style, it helps when one can put an event or series of events into perspective or within other historical events of secular history. Remember that the bible does not need to prove itself according to history. History needs to be placed against what the bible states. There is no revision of secular versus scriptural history but there are many who wish to revise scripture to make God what s/he wants instead of us as individuals being what God wanted upon our creation.

  1. King Pekah of Israel [700’s B.C.] along with his ally King Rezin of Aram, threatened Judah and its main city of Jerusalem. Ahaz, the king of Judah, called upon King Pul [Tiglath-Pileser III] of Assyria to intervene. He did intervene therefore defeating Israel (the Northern Kingdom) then executed King Rezin of Aram (Damascus).
    1. Assyria was a Semitic nation, but not Israeli, from the 24th century BC to 608 BC.
    Assyrians were offspring of Shem’s (Noah’s ark) eldest son *Elam: Genesis 10:22, Ezra 4:9.
  2. *Elam itself was once an empire called the Elamites, now part of Iran. The person Elam was a son of Shem making him a grandson of Noah.
  3. At this time, Damascus was not the capital of Syria. It was a large city-state in its own rights.
  4. Assyrians attacked the Kingdom of Israel (ten northern tribes) first dispersing the East of Jordan tribes of Gad, Reuben, and the half tribe of Manasseh in 732 B.C. [2 Kings 16:9].
  5. 720 BC: Assyria invades the remaining tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel including a few cities within the borders of the Kingdom of Judah. All captives are exiled to unsettled lands to the north, east, and west as specifically mentioned, including the cities of the Medes. Some were dispersed among existing populations of other captive cities.

JIV NOTE: This plays significantly into the Babylonian captivity of the southern Kingdom of Judah 120 years later, the 70-year Babylonian captivity, and to connect prophecied dots……the invasion of Babylon by the MEDES and Persians and eventually Queen Esther of the Book of Esther.

  • Daniel of Babylonian fame was a Babylonian captive just as were Jeremiah[?], Ezekiel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Zerubbabel. These men were exiled from the southern Kingdom of Judah or were born during their Babylonian captivity. Interestingly, they all were in the service of the government of Babylon; Daniel also served within the later Mede-Persian government of Babylon.
  • Daniel lived during the time of Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar, father and grandson, who were kings of Babylon, and the Mede-Persian ruler Cyrus (Darius?).
  • He lived in Babylon during the entire 70-year captivity and several years beyond.
  • Daniel never left Babylon after being exiled from Judah. He continued to serve in the service of the Persian conquerors of Babylon.
  • Sequence of nations:
    • The nation Israel of Saul, David, and Solomon co-existed with AssyriaThe Nation of Israel was divided into two separate kingdoms: the Kingdom of Israel to the north with ten tribes and the Kingdom of Judah to the south with 2 tribes plus many stragglers from the northern kingdom who were faithful to Judaism and Jerusalem.Ten tribes to the north are dispersed in the 700 B.C. over a period of 20 plus years; first by Tiglath-Pileser III [sometimes called King Pul], then Shalmaneser V, and finally by Sargon II; all were kings of Assyria. Time period was between 740 B.C.E. to around 720 [?] B.C.E.The Kingdom of Judah continued to exist for another 120 years; up to 606 BC.Babylon rebels against and overthrows Assyria; 637 B.C. to around 612 B.C. The overthrow of the Kingdom of Judah began in earnest in 606 B.C.
    • Nebuchadnezzar (606 B.C.) of Babylon invades the Kingdom of Judah and begins a series of dispersions bringing Judean Jews [including Daniel] to Babylon. [Daniel 1:1-4]
      • 605 BC.; 597 B.C.; 586 BC. [the three reasonably close dates of Judean dispersion and exiles to Babylon]
  • Daniel becomes an advisor and dream interpreter for Nebuchadnezzar  [Daniel 2:1-49]
  • Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego face the fiery furnace [Daniel 3:1-30]
  • Nebuchadnezzar goes insane and eats grass with the wild animals of his kingdom [Daniel 4:1-37] His wings are plucked and he is eventually made to stand up like all other men (Daniel 7:4)
  • Daniel interprets the finger of God writing on the wall to *Belshazzar

[Daniel 5:1-31]

  1. *Belshazzar is the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar; overthrown by Medo-Persians (Cyrus of overall all Persia; Darius the Mede was temporarily king of the conquered Babylon). Belshazzar was not the sole king of Babylon during this overthrow. His father made him co-regent of Babylon itself.
    1. King Cyrus, the first Persian king over the Mede-Persian conquered empire of Babylon, signs a decree releasing all Israeli captives within this conquered empire; [538 B.C. – Ezra 1:2-4; 6:2-5] Darius the Mede ruled but only two years. Daniel tells us that Darius was already 62 years old at the time of the overthrow. He was not King of Persia but a satrap king over Babylon proper.
  2. Daniel and the Lions’ den historical event occurred under the Mede-Persian ruler Darius [Daniel 6:1-28], not Nebuchadnezzar.
  3. The prophetic future according to the dreams of Daniel
    1. The 4 beasts [Daniel 7:1-28]
    1. Daniels dream of the goat and the ram [Daniel 8:1-28]
    1. Daniels 70 week or years dream [Daniel 9:1-27]
    1. Daniel views the end of times (Recall a previous study article: Are We There Yet?) [Daniel 10:1 – 12:13]

Rev. Dr. Jstark – 2023

Outline of the Book of Daniel (chapter 11:1-40; Rev. Dr. Jstark)

Daniel 11 [the beginning]

There is almost as much prophecy in the Book of Daniel as there is contention over the prophecies themselves. Daniel was one of the first of three different diasporas from the Kingdom of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon; 606, 597, 586, B.C. He was a close friend of *Shadrach, **Meshach. and ***Abednego of the fiery furnace fame; Daniel 1-3. Their Hebraic names were *Hananiah (חֲנַנְיָה), **Mishael (מִישָׁאֵל) and **Azariah (עֲזַרְיָה). These three “teenagers” were exiled to Babylon at the same time as Daniel.

JIV NOTE: There are significant ahamoments when we look at the origin and meanings of many biblical names. Please be reminded: Hananiah (Shadrach) means “God who is gracious;” Mishael (Meshach) means “Who is like God;” and Azariah (Abednego) means “God is our help, or God has helped”. BONUS: Daniel means “God is my judge.”  These Old Testament name meanings stated as a sentence reveal a New Testament message: God is gracious; who can be like God; [for] God is my help/salvation [and] God will be my judge.

Just as interesting are their Babylonian name meanings: Shadrach means “command of Aku”, Aku being the name of the Babylonian god of the moon; Meshach means “who is (or can be) what Aku is?Abednego means “servant of Nebo,” the Babylonian god of wisdom. This is no Hebraic or Babylonian (Chaldean) verbiage coincident but great insights inspired by God. This is what it means to STUDY the Word[s] of God.

While studying the Book of Daniel, we must keep in mind that the name Babylon is used within other scripture that concerns other, yet unfulfilled, End Time prophecy. That in and of itself does not always mean it is the Babylon of Daniel’s times.  The use of the name Babylon is symbolic or analogous to characteristics of events of end times. We cannot look at the Book of Daniel without including some references to other supportive End Time scriptures that remind us of End Time prophecies by Daniel. This is particularly true of Daniel 11.

PS: His traditional grave site is identified as being in Susa, Iran. Susa today is the city of Shuster in Iran’s district of Khuzestan. This in itself is located within an even more ancient settlement of the Elamites…a former empire named after one of the five sons of Shem; ELAM [Shem’s children: Elam, Ashur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram, in addition to daughters. Genesis 10:21, 22]

In a broad sense, the Book of Daniel prophecies can be defined within these categories:

  1. Prophecies of things in the distant future (from that point in time, that is up to its fulfillment)
  2. Prophecies of imminent events soon to happen
  3. Prophecies of intermediary or mid-time events plus End Time events of week 70 in Daniel’s vision of Daniel’s Seventy 7’s vision in Daniel 9: 20-27.
  4. Words of support and encouragement to not vacillate but remain in the faith

There are only 12 chapters in the Book of Daniel unless one includes Susannah (chapter 13), Bel and the Dragon (chapter 14). So much that is relevant to current events was prophesied at the time of Daniel; predictions and warnings of things to shortly happen, and a look into the future including our current era, is crammed into such a short book of the Bible; twelve canonized chapters. CAUTION: If a believer does not know and somewhat understand these prophecies in Daniel 11, s/he will never recognize them as they play out today.

It is one of my greatest [JIV: Jim’s Introspective View] challenges and honors to research and annotate Daniel 11 using the actual names of historical characters instead of the generic pronoun persons, places, or things used in chapter 11. This chapter in Daniel is possibly the most controversial in this great Old Testament book. The contentiousness of chapter 11 is not so much over what it contains, but the pinpoint accuracy of it. It is so accurate, some theologians and self-proclaiming wise guys insist Daniel 11 had to be written “after the fact” by someone else, then inserted into the Book of Daniel. There are some who call themselves Christian who have difficulty understanding that our sovereign Lord is the Aleph – Tav [Hebrew]; knows the beginning and the end; the Alpha – Omega [Greek]…Plus all of history falls within these two place markers.

If there is an error when inserting names into the place and descriptive names used in Chapter 11, I accept responsibility. One can only be sure if s/he looks it up herself or himself. If God or Jesus says it… do not question it.

We teach but YOU must decide.

Rev. Dr. stark

Daniel 10

Chapter 10 is essentially a repeat, or perhaps better stated, a reminder of chapter 8. Don’t stop here though. In chapter 9 the gravity of “sealing up” the information given to Daniel in chapter 8 overwhelms him.  *Chapters 11 and 12 continue this Hebrew concern but all four of these chapters add to our understanding. In a sense, it is like all (most?) speech instructors tell students is the center of good speech arrangements. Tell whomever what it is that will be discussed therefore setting the stage (chapter 10). Then tell the basics of what is the purpose and content of the speech or lecture (chapter 11). Finally, step three is to remind the listener what was said (chapter 11). More on this as we proceed through the remainder of Daniel.

For those who missed this chapter 8 article in ahabiblemoments chapter 8, it is about Daniel being in Susa, a ram with two horns; one came later but grew larger. Then out of the west comes a goat with ONE HORN and whose feet do not touch the ground. It breaks the two horns of the ram. Soon the significant single horn of the goat out of the west is itself broken. In its place grow 4 smaller horns. These are the historical events of Greece (Macedonia; Alexander the Great) first breaking the stranglehold of the Medo-Persia Empire. When Alexander dies, his world empire is broken into four smaller kingdoms. Eventually the two dominant offshoot general/kings from Alexander’s world conquest become embattled with each other; i.e. the example of end time king of the north and king of the south. In Daniel’s vision it is Syria in the north against Egypt in the south.

However, in chapter 8 Daniel is told to seal up this vision” for the time being. Why? The ending portion of chapter 8 essentially shifts gears from near future prophecy to End Time events and prophecy. It becomes a prophecy about the end of time and the anti-Christ. Even though Daniel is told to “seal up the vision” we get an insight or introduction to the End Time (Jacob’s Trouble).

Daniel in chapter 10 is walking along or standing on the banks of the Tigris River. He is not alone as other men are with him. In other bible passages, this same river is called the Hiddekel.

*JIV: For the curious bible student, this same general location or as noted in Exodus is where the four river heads identify the location of the Garden of Eden.

            *JIV (Jim’s Introspective View)

Daniel 10:1 gives the setting:

  1. The third year of King Cyrus of Persia (not the king of Babylon; a satrap-ruler governs there and is subject to the King of Persia; i.e. Cyrus. Darius has retired)
  2. Daniel receives this information
  3. There was (will be) a great conflict; personal and global (Chapter 11)
  4. Daniel understands the meaning
  5. V2 Daniel goes into mourning and becomes sick over his vision.

JIV: At this point, we have a plethora of theological opinions. Some look at verses 5 & 6 as describing a great angel. After years of thought and study, this author no longer subscribes to the opinion that it is Jesus before his New Testament re-appearance as the Messiah. More likely if is a very high-ranking angel of great significance from heaven. We provide evidence of this toward the end of this article. It matters not so much as to who it is that appears on the riverbank, but to the message presented to Daniel of a time yet to come. Again, later in this article, it is explained why this “man-like being” is probably an angel, not Jesus as some commentaries try to claim.

Daniel 10:7 tells us that Daniel was not alone. Men were with him. They sensed something that brought fear to their hearts and being, but did NOT HEAR or see the vision. They feared so much that they fled the area in a panic. In a way this is repeated in Acts 9; Paul’s Road to Damascus. Oddly and as reported by 1967 news media, the Israeli Six Day War against its Arab and Muslim neighbor countries of Jordan, Egypt, and Syria and early in the conflict, similar overwhelming fear overcame the Egyptian armed forces in the Sinai Peninsula in 1967. So much so that they fled on foot abandoning armament, running tanks, and artillery. Oddly, the news media did not pursue this.

Israel’s losses in the battles with Egypt were 275 soldiers killed and 800 wounded, very high for a country of only 2 million, but comparatively light considering the size of the battles and the magnitude of the victory. Egypt’s losses were much higher — according to statements by President Nasser more than 11,500 soldiers were killed, and independent estimates put the number of wounded as high as 50,000.” (Barker, p 76)

Daniel is not writing about a war of great fear, but he does state in verse one, “it was a great conflict” in his vision. This could be a personal conflict of Daniel’s or the ones that Daniel 11 writes about. It is possible that verse 8 in chapter 10 reflects or parallels this article’s reference to the Six-Day War between Arabs, Egypt specifically, and the fear that overwhelmed the Egyptians. We use this comparison only to help the reader assimilate or grasp Daniel’s fear when he was probably looking at the Holy One’s personal representative; a high-ranking angel. The men with Daniel had fled in absolute fear.

Daniel 10:8 So I was left alone and saw this great vision and no strength was left in me. My radiant appearance was fearfully changed, and I retained no strength. [ESV]

The purpose of the appearance of this angelic being was to help Daniel understand the signs and things of the future (chapter 11). Daniel 10:14 clearly states that he came to make him (Daniel) understand “WHAT IS TO HAPPEN TO YOUR PEOPLE IN THE LATTER DAYS.”

Ahamoment? YOUR PEOPLE?  God is telling Daniel what the future holds for the Israelites, his people. There is no mention of the church of Believers.

The argument against this strikingly dressed, man-like, being as describing Jesus in verses 5 and 6 is Daniel 10:11. It is highly improbable that whoever is the *(bad guy angel) Prince of Persia, that he could not hold Jesus back for 21 days. Jesus would not require the assistance of the angel Michael. [See Daniel 10:12 and 13]

Here is something to consider regarding Christians today and our prayer life. This is the fact that the three-times-a-day prayer life of Daniel still required a wait of 21 days before hearing back from God. This gives us insight into the two powers of today: God and Satan. How many times have we prayed expecting an answer from God on our timetable, never giving thought to God’s timetable? This means that Daniel did not stand up from his prayer beginning in Daniel 9:3, go for a walk along the riverbanks (chapter 10) that afternoon or evening to immediately find his prayer answered with total understanding. It took 21 days.

Daniel 9:16 is very telling. Daniel states to the angel or messenger… “Then I opened my mouth and spoke. I said to him who stood before me, “O my lord, by reason of the vision pains have come upon me, and I retain no strength. [ESV]. Daniel must have seen more than his physical body and mind could handle. He was “LEFT WITHOUT STRENGTH.”  

We close this article with a bit of insight or perhaps theological speculation. Our motto at ahabiblemoments is: We Teach – You Decide. It is up to the reader to challenge one’s self as to his or her bible knowledge and this following connection.

The “manlike being” asks Daniel if he understood. Daniel does not answer. This “angel” is about to depart to assist angel Michael in the battle with the evil and Satanic “prince of Persia.” So what is the connection? The Jews who remained in Babylon and did not return to Jerusalem when released by King Cyrus of Persia were not now going to be without challenges against their very existence. This takes us to the Book of Esther. Esther, Mordecai, King Ahasuerus, often identified in history as King Xerxes I, (reigned 486–465 BCE) and Haman the Agagite are historical figures still in Babylon well after King Cyrus released the Jew-deans to return to their native land of Judah. In short, the angel of Israel is Michael [Daniel 12:1] who is holding back the evil angel of Persia at this time in Daniel [10:13], but he will require help for a very near future event and continuing for well over 2500 years to this present day in not stopping but restraining the evil one.

NOTE: King Ahasuerus and Esther appear on the scene in Babylon within 50 or 60 years of this event in Daniel 10. Daniel had remained in Babylon after the departure of some Judeans to Jerusalem (536ish B.C.). The overlap of Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah all fall within this time period in history. They very possibly knew each other and Esther knew of them.

We do not know who is the “manlike being” who appeared in Daniel 10. The evil angel of Persia withstood him from coming to Daniel to address his chapter 9 prayer for 21 days. Why God did not send Michael directly to Daniel is an unknown. This unknown being then returns to continue this angelic fight with the Prince of Persia. The evidence is that the battle between Israel and Persia, today’s Iran, still exists. Iran and those like Haman of Persia vow(ed) to drive Israel into the sea. The battles in the heavens above and upon this earth over God’s Holy City of Jerusalem are present to this very day. The hate of Satan against the People (God’s chosen) of Israel has not gone away.

Next Articles:

Chapter 11 is very far-reaching in history now completed, and a future history yet to be played out. By necessity of these prophesied future events (chapter 11) will be broken down into several articles. It is one of the most challenging prophetic chapters of the bible. We will give names and identities to these historical and end-time events foretold in Daniel 11.

Rev Dr. Jstark

Daniel 11 – prophecies concerning our history and End Time Events – Introduction

Daniel, as is Revelation, is often considered a book of the Bible that can be difficult to understand. One of the books of the Bible that rivals Revelation for understanding is the Book of Daniel. Especially chapter 11. Adding to this supposed understanding issue is a curiosity about why Daniel wrote different parts of his book exclusive to and in two distinct languages. In its original text, Daniel 11:1 to 2a is written in Hebrew. Daniel 2:4 through 7:28 is written in Aramaic. Beginning in Daniel 8:1, Daniel is again written in Hebrew. There is much speculation as to why one book would be written, in part, in two different languages. There isn’t room in this article to brief the reader on each speculation as to why this is so. But possibly, there is a simple reason.

There is one very logical reason for this when one parallels secular history with time up to End Time prophecies. The reason for using two different languages within Daniel’s text is “the intended target market.” The separation of languages is because of the fulfillment of prophecies that address two different groups of people, but all within a common vision and shared timeline on earth. After the introduction of Daniel in 11:1 – 2a, Daniel is focused on the secular (Aramaic) world. That is, until Daniel 7:28. From Daniel 8:1 to the end of Daniel, the focus includes the world but is about the consequences per Jacob’s Hebrew descendants; the 12 Tribes of Israel [Jacob]. The focus targets the consequences of Jacob’s descendants from Daniel 8:1 forward. This is where one finds end-time Tribulation prophecies for the world with an overall focus or consequence aimed at the global descendants of Jacob by the world focused on THEM.

Example: Why do competing teams, in the same game, have different uniforms and their cheering crowds wear their team colors? One obvious reason is to openly express his or her support for or against one or the other team. Daniel 11 is similar. Daniel 11:1 through 2:3 is in Hebrew. Daniel 2:4 through 7:28 is written in Aramaic (regarding non-Hebrew populations) of that time and End Time parallel prophecies. The rest of Daniel (8:1 to the end of this book) is written in Hebrew. It is directed at the Israeli people of that time and the future end time Israelis we know as “Jacob’s Trouble”.  Yes, history will repeat itself. These prophetic cautions and threats will be fulfilled in direct or indirect forms. It means the future holds different paths for those of Israeli descent and those to whom the Bible identifies as Greek (non-Israeli) and nonbelievers. These are differing paths for Israel and the secular world, but on the same historical timeline of a shared world.

Daniel chapter 11 presents a future of the world that parallels many facets of End Time Tribulation and the antichrist. What is seriously missing in Daniel 11 is noun identifications of these future events and Tribulation people.  There is a good reason for this. We read in Daniel 11 of many prophetic actions that are (pronoun) nameless. One major reason is that it is a parallel of two similar prophecies at two different times. Daniel 11 addresses a future to Daniel that we now call history in secular texts, plus a future we call End Time (Tribulation). Ahabiblemonents.com stands on the principle that Bible history and secular histories are on the same timeline. They are as distinct as the histories of one person and the history of another but parallel in time, world, manner, and facts. Simply put…just as Daniel 11 has Israeli (Hebrew) and global/political (Aramaic) targeted messages, they share the same historical and End Time timeline with very different End Time consequences.

Daniel 11 is one of those highly debated chapters of prophecy that question if they are written before each prophetic event or after each prophetic fulfillment. One can see the answer to this question by reviewing Nebuchadnezzar’s multi-metal layered statue dream in Daniel 2. The Daniel 11 debatewas it written, in whole, before all prophesied events occurred, or after each prophetic event and by another men’s pen? Because chapter 11 is so accurate, so-called secularists of this world make it a point to insist that such accuracy is impossible. These people fail to understand the word “prophecy”. With this impossible accuracy being advocated by them, secularists should pay close attention to the remaining unfulfilled prophecies and their accuracy. They will be personally involved in God’s judgment.

What will follow in ahabibnlemoments.com over the next few weeks, in shortened articles, is evidence of who and what Daniel’s prophecies include using nouns instead of pronouns. Each article will be on actual secular and historical events of both Israel and the world in which it exists.  Essentially, we will also explain how the two groups will interact when the antichrist appears. We do this by researching and comparing secular and Biblical histories and timelines merging into a common timeline. We insert the proper names, places, and things into the unnamed pronouns of each verse in Daniel 11. Our goal is not to suggest that the world and the Bible are not related, i.e., separate entities, but to point out that true Bible facts are supported by secular histories. They are the same global history and future; just two different peoples and their consequences of End Time and Tribulation.

Rev. Dr. Jstark

PS: (ahamoment) The following is taken from a secular science article written in *Smithsonian, Ocean Find Your Blue. It supports the fact that oceans once covered the earth. Their reasoning for it purposely avoids mentioning the time and Noah’s Ark that concluded the ancient (original) world. It adds a great number of years to support secular conclusions. More accurately said, to refute the Word of God. The bottom line: Science now declares the earth once was immersed in a great ocean…so do Bible believers (Noah’s time). Here is how secularists explain it.

*Between asteroid and comet bombardments, scientists believe enough time passed for vaporized water to condense and settle on the earth’s surface. According to the most recent scientific studies, an ancient ocean likely covered the entire planet… 150 million years after the formation of Earth, about 4.4 billion years ago. Scientists know this through the discovery of ancient zircon crystals that were dated around this time. These crystals can hold up against temperatures that would melt and destroy most other rocks, and a subset discovered in Australia has a specific chemistry that indicates the crystals formed through a sedimentary process in a cool and wet environment—what scientists infer to be an ancient ocean floor.

We do not try to explain secular science when it gets into the millions and billions of years. What we do KNOW is that once upon a time(?), God created the heavens and the earth. All the earth is the same age. Some of it has been recycled via volcanoes.

We at ahabiblemoments.com suggest that since we are told in Daniel 2 that the toes on Nebuchadnezzar’s dream statue (Daniel 2) are composed of Iron and clay, they cannot mix and are two different entities. One is the kingdom of the antichrist, and the other kingdom is opposed to him. This is just before the return of Christ to set up the Kingdom of God as stated in the Lord’s Prayer. This is similar tot he two legs on Nebuchadnezzar’s statue. Each leg represents two different entities…the Holy Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire.

Consider the probability that the Kingdom of the King of the North is the antichrist’s power base (one foot of the statue) and the Kingdom of the South (the other foot of the statue) is that of Muslim nations. Of course, this has some prophetic conjecture but when the shoe fits….(Revelation 6:8)

Daniel 9 – The Seventy Weeks of Daniel

Of all the prophecies in the Bible, Chapter 9 seems to be one of the more evasive or allusive in its meaning(s), application, and understanding. We certainly grasp 70 weeks but fail to take to heart that Daniel’s 70 weeks vision is NOT 70 consecutive weeks. There are three portions that have distinct beginnings and ends.

Daniel 9:1-19 is distinct in its nature from Daniel 9:20-27. Daniel 9:1-19 is a prayer. He was a nose-in-the-books follower of God. Daniel spent perhaps 75 years of his life as a servant to Babylonian rulers. His entire life was a strong believer in Jehovah God. He was well-versed in Jeremiah’s writings and prophecies. When Jeremiah was old, Daniel was young. They were contemporaries for a few years. Jeremiah wrote about many things including his warnings to Judah about a pending invasion and captivity by Babylon but written prior to 603 B.C. Daniel was taken to Babylon with the first of three waves of Judean captives. The prophet and Bible book writer Ezekiel was taken captive in the second wave.

NOTE: For almost as long as the Jewish nation has existed coming out of Egyptian captivity and its eventual split into two separate kingdoms, it has been persecuted and forced to wander from land to land. It started with slavery in Egypt, to the destruction of both temples in Jerusalem and the Romans, to the Crusades, the pogroms, the Holocaust, and finally, modern-day anti-Semitism.

As a reminder, since we are currently examining the fall of both the Northern Kingdom of Israel and 120 years later the fall of the southern kingdom of Judah, we include a Judean Babylonian timeline.

Babylonian Timeline
All dates are B.C.

605 Nebuchadnezzar becomes king of Babylon
605 The Babylonians invade Judah
605 First wave of deportation of Jews to Babylon. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are taken captive
605 Daniel is taken captive and begins to interpret dreams
601 Babylonians battle Egypt, both sides suffer great losses
601 Judah decides to realign itself with Egypt, Jeremiah warns against it
597 Jehoiachin becomes king of Judah (very short 3-month reign)
597 Babylonians capture Jerusalem
597 Second wave of deportation to Babylon of Judean Jews. Ezekiel is taken is captured.
597 Ezekiel is taken to Babylon
597 Zedekiah is appointed king of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar
593 Ezekiel begins to prophesy
586 The Babylonians destroy Jerusalem and the Temple
586 Jerusalem’s walls and gates are burned
586 Third wave of Jews deported to Babylon. All but poor Jewish farmers remain in the land.
586 End of Biblical (First Temple) Period; destruction of Temple by Nebuchadnezzar
586 The end of Judah as an independent kingdom
539 The Fall of Babylon to the Persians; no longer is there a Kingdom of Judah
539 The Persian power Period continued up to 332 B.C. before Alexander the Great.
539 The Decree of Cyrus II allowing Jews to return (538 B.C.)
516 The Jews begin to rebuild their Temple (over 70 years to get it done)
479 (approximate) Esther becomes queen of Babylon/Persia.

Daniel 9:1 In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of the lineage of the Medes, who was made king over the realm of the Chaldeans—

Clarification…This Darius, son of Ahasuerus, has a mixed bag of histories and subjective narratives.  The Ahasuerus here may or may not be the first ruler with that name. What we do know is that the Mede who initially conquered Babylon was Darius the Mede. It seems that Darius #1 is a different person from the Darius of Daniel in the Lion’s Den.

In Ezra 4:6 Ahasuerus is mentioned as a king of Persia. The Ju-deans that wished to return to their initial homelands had already done so under Zerubbabel. In Ezra 4:5 we read [NKJV]: “[They]…and hired counselors against them (Judeans who returned to Jerusalem) to frustrate their purpose all the days of Cyrus king of Persia, even until the reign of Darius I king of Persia. King Ahasuerus followed Cyrus. Darius the Ist followed his father Ahasuerus/Xerxes…possibly a son of Esther. Darius the Mede is a forgotten ruler in Babylon. He was 62 years of age when his Median forces conquered Babylon. He was appointed a Satrap-King over Babylon by Cyrus the Great of Persia. He is the King with whom Daniel had to deal in his latter days. Ahasuerus/Xerxes was the Babylonian king who challenged Greece shortly after Daniel’s death and during the time of the Book of Esther. We apologize for the facts of history needing clarifications plus being a mixed and tossed salad. When in doubt, follow the history of the Bible.

What we do know is that Babylon by the time of Jesus was at the edge of its decline. By 1000 A.D., it had been abandoned and desolate. Also, note that some name confusions come from the fact that there were two distinct Babylonian dynasties. We know of the famed Hammurabi. Hammurabi was the sixth Amorite king of the Old Babylonian Empire, reigning from *1792 to 1750 BC. Daniel’s Babylon was over a thousand years later. One could go into deep historical studies about the Babylonians that existed for about 2,000 years. We are concentrating on Daniel 9…somewhere up to and around 440 B.C.

*Take note that Abraham wandered in the northern parts of Hammurabi’s kingdom. It is possible that when Abraham went up against five different kings to rescue Lot, Hammurabi was one of the five kings with whom Abraham did battle.

One of the greatest authorities on Daniel 9 is Dr. John Walvoord, former President of Dallas Theological Seminary. It is highly recommended that you click here and get one of the finest possible explanations of Daniel 9.

Rev. Dr. Jstark

Daniel 8 – a verse-by-verse commentary (through end of chapter 8)

Today there are substantial theological differences if what Gabriel is revealing to Daniel has not already happened in history, OR, if there is a far distant and end-time revelation. To be sure, what Daniel sees is a history to us today PLUS a projected future of a similar set of events at the end of time. Distinguish between “latter time” meaning a LATER TIME, and end time. The critical verses for us to understand are Daniel 8:26 and Daniel 8:27.

Back up to verse 25. History, as we know it, shows how, when and by whom each empire power was destroyed by another opposing power. Now read Daniel 8:25b… He shall even rise against the Prince of princes; But he shall be broken without human means. Antiochus Epiphanes IV hated and fought against the people of God, it was really because he hated God. The same will be true of the coming Antichrist, who will hate the Jews because he hates God. Antiochus was destroyed by human hands. The antichrist will be broken without human means (or hands).

Review Daniel 2:31-36… “You, O king, were watching and behold, there was a single great statue; that statue, which was large and of extraordinary radiance, was standing in front of you, and its appearance was awesome. 32 The head of that statue was made of fine gold, its chest and its arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of bronze, 33 its legs of iron, and its feet partly of iron and partly of clay. 34 You continued watching until a stone was broken off without hands, and it struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay, and crushed them. 35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed to pieces all at the same time, and they were like chaff from the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away so that not a trace of them was found. But the stone that struck the statue became a *great mountain and filled the entire earth.

*A great mountain means it’s dominance filled the whole earth. God’s “kingdom to come” will then be thy kingdom HAS COME.

From a personal perspective, we at ahabiblemoments.com appreciate how it is explained in Bible Hermeneutics under Observations.


Several things are immediately clear from the dream and its interpretation:

  • The entire statue (Daniel 2) was crushed all at once. This is not a picture of a gradual conquest.
  • When the kingdoms of the statue were crushed, “not a trace of them was found”; this is not a picture of a gradual infiltration, or a parallel reign of some kind, and there is no allowance for any of the statue kingdoms to continue in their existence. They were crushed, became like chaff, and were carried away by the wind.
  • It is the kingdom set up by God that crushes and puts an end to the other kingdoms. So, to answer your question, the “stone cut out without hands” is the kingdom set up by God.*
  • The kingdom set up by God “filled the whole earth,” “will never be destroyed” or replaced, and will “endure forever.” The picture is clear: God’s kingdom will rule the entire earth — forever — in place of the prior kingdoms of the statue.

JIV: Compare this to End Time kingdom #4…the Antichrist…Daniel 8.


The stone cut without hands is the kingdom of God, which would suddenly and completely obliterate all the kingdoms of the statue and rule in their place over the entire earth, forever. This is the weakness of the ten clay and iron mix toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue of Daniel 2.

Rev. Dr. Jstark