Jeremiah Chapter 30


Jeremiah is finally told to “ what he has seen and heard in a book” [30:2] Thus, we get the book of Jeremiah. Take note of the specificity at the beginning of verse 2…”Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel:…” [ESV]. This is not just God speaking to people on earth but HE is specifically identified as THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL. HE identifies himself as the God of Israel. Recall that Israel; i.e. the Kingdom of…” has not existed for over 120 years yet God identifies himself as speaking to all of Israel; not just Judah. This is our first hint of what will follow in this chapter; one people reunited as a nation. What Jeremiah is told to write about is future tense; the two sticks of Ezekiel 37:16.

Verse 3 expands this thought. [ESV] “For behold days are coming when I will restore the fortunes of my people.”  Jeremiah has now gone beyond the sorrowful days confronting the Judean Tribe in captivity in Babylon. It is of particular value to understand the wording. God says, I will BRING THEM BACK to the land promised to their fathers (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob). He isn’t going to send them back, but LEAD THEM BACK. This suggests that God is present when this happens. This also suggests it will occur at the end of the Tribulation when Christ returns to the Mount of Olives as their Messiah. Later verses in this, and the next three chapters, underscore this eschatological view or window into which we can peer into the window of the future.

Again, in verse 4 both Israel and Judah are mentioned together. Israel (Kingdom of) has long been gone. The ten tribes are dispersed into the hinterlands of no-man’s lands by the Assyrians and natural wanderings or exile exploring which Israelis are very good at doing. The Judeans in Babylon MUST RETURN FIRST as Christ is to be born in Bethlehem, Judea another 500 years after Jeremiah. Jesus is of the Tribe of Judah. This means chapter 30 must be taken as a distant prophecy of things to come LONG after the70 years in Babylon have past. Jeremiah has shifted from his concerns over his fellow Judeans to things in a far distant future. It is called eschatology. God instructed him to specifically “write this down.” Why write? It is for our sake and understanding today.

However, the Judean Jews (Tribe of Judah) will go through more troublesome times far beyond this captivity in Babylon. Other nations will despise them, attack them, and try to humiliate them, push them around from exile to exile, execute them, and turn on them as a group. This is the punishment of a nation of God’s chosen who continually fall back into wanting things other than God.  The worse is yet to come via the second half of the Tribulation called the Great Tribulation or Jacob’s Trouble [Jeremiah 30:7].

Thinking back, when Jacob was born, he had a hold of his non-identical twin brother Esau’s heel; an issue or omen of conflict that has never been solved and won’t be until the coming of Jesus to establish “His Kingdom on Earth.” This blog is not the time or place to take us back to some of the original passages in Genesis that underscore this conflict but don’t let this stand in one’s way of personally searching it out.

God does make a promise (covenant) at this moment with Jeremiah listening and writing. God says that he will “save Jacob (Israel as a twelve tribe nation) out of it.” That doesn’t bode well for the Gentiles of this time however. There will be panic but not for the true believers. The only church of believers (not an institution), will already be raptured. We can’t return with Christ to rule with him if we are still here on planet earth during this time.

Verse 8 tells us exactly what will happen when God brings his people back to the whole Promised Land in which they will enter the New Jerusalem; 1,400 miles by 1,400 miles (Revelation 21:16). Israel at present is only 9.3 miles wide at its narrowest point between the west bank and the Mediterranean Sea. It is only 263 miles from south to north. Israel is about the size of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

I will break the yoke from the necks of the people of Israel and Judah, and I will break the ropes holding you. People from foreign countries will never again force my people to be slaves…” (ERV).

Jeremiah 30:10 is a great help toward deeper understanding and perspective. In the ERV it states that it will be “their descendants” who will be *saved and returned to the Promised Land. This makes it even clearer that this goes well beyond the 70 year captivity and their eventually ‘small in number’ return to Jerusalem. Well over 98% of the captives still alive or born during the Babylonian captivity opt to remain in this territory; not return to Judah with Zerubbabel or Ezra upon the decree of Cyrus the Great for their release. Even Daniel remains in Babylon and does not return to Jerusalem.

*However, it does not mean their immediate descendants. This chapter and the next three; 31, 32, and 33 are eschatology chapters. This reference is to a far future generation. Chapters 30 – 33 are the perpetuity of Israel. Other nations will vanish (by name) but Israel will be here.

Although Israel (Kingdom of) and Judah (Kingdom of) are mentioned multiple times, they are addressed in the singular; a people once again united in End Time and not scattered throughout the world.  God scattered them. He will reunite them but this time around he will change their hearts and be THEIR God and them HIS people.

Due to the greatness and constant or repeated rejection of God, opting for things over him, religious symbolism versus worship, God brought this judgment upon them. As New Testament Christians we must learn from this. Even though we see many banners and signs reading “Gods is Love,” this example of Israel also tells us that God is also just (justice) and will hold his children accountable. Yes, God is love, but that does not mean turning a blind eye toward our sins in perpetuity. There is a limit. We will be disciplined if we continue down a path of self-destruction and ignorance of God’s Word. Blessed are the poor in spirit, meaning they do not have the resources to grow in knowledge, but we do not have that excuse if even just reading this website.

The yoke referred to in chapter 30 is the oppression of other peoples (Gentiles) over the Israelites throughout history; even to this very day. Verse 11 specifically states that God will destroy these “oppressing” people, “I will not destroy you.” However the last part of verse 11 also reads, “You must be punished for the bad things you did, but I will discipline you fairly.”

Jeremiah 30:12-15 underscore the perpetual wound or sore, perhaps omen, the Tribes of Israel carries with them. It cannot be healed under present circumstances. What Jeremiah is actually suggesting is that Israel has made many agreements with other nations, but these same nations turn a blind eye toward Israel’s continual blights and contentions with the world around them. This recognition or distinction of Israel apart from other people came from a prayer Moses offered up 800 plus years earlier when the Israelites were wandering in the Wilderness. Exodus 33:16, 17 explains this beginning point. Moses is in one of his “Tent Meetings” with God. Moses asked God:

If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here.  For how shall it be known that I have found favor in your sight, I and your people? Is it not in your going with us, so that we are distinct, I and your people, from every other people on the face of the earth?

God replies, (v17) “this very thing that you have spoken I will do…” From this point forward to this very day, Israelites have been unique. Persecuted for this identity for which Moses asked of God to make them, “so we are distinct.” God basically answered Moses by saying, “Okay, if this is what you want I will grant this also” (JIV).

We need to mention something here since this chapter and the next three are eschatological chapters. In verse 14 of Jeremiah 30, Israel and Judah are correctly accused of being “lovers” of other nations and their not so godly customs. They compromise accepting political correctness as okay. God points out that these lovers desert them without blinking an eye. Again, since this chapter and the following three are End Time prophetic chapters, we can see in the news today how people and nations are once again aligning against the very existence of Israel. As long as other nations can get something for their troubles of aligning with Israel, they will hang around. Once that leeching ends, they abandon Israel; back in the time of Jeremiah and again in End Time. This is why God identifies Israel as a prostitute.

Jeremiah 30:16 once again shows an eye for an eye…God says these nations that abandon Israel will get the same thing in return. 16c… “…all who prey on you I (God) will make (them) prey.” [emphasis mine].

Do we wonder in which direction the modern day debates over who owns and will occupy Jerusalem will ultimately go? Jeremiah 30:18 answers this without opinion. Thus says the LORD: Behold, I will restore the fortunes of the tents of Jacob and have compassion on his dwellings; the city shall be rebuilt on its mound, and the palace shall stand where it used to be.” The nation of Israel will once again be in charge of all Jerusalem and all of the Promised Lands. We do not have any need to be concerned as God has spoken. Israel is his people of End Time. As Moses asked in Exodus 33:16, 17, so it will be.

Let’s conclude this article with the last sentence at the end of chapter 30… “In the latter days, you will understand.


Rev. Dr. Jstark August, 2017

Revelation Study Guide

miniJimShort Study Guide:

Revelation Bible class blog Study Guide: We need to stay focused and need God’s help distinguishing who is and who is not a part of the following numbers discussed in Revelation 14 and Revelation 7. [See Revelation Chapter 14-1 PowerPoint on chapter 14, 144,000, and Who Are They]

  1. Ezekiel 9:4-6 a mark is put on those who grieve and lament their sin and the sin of Jerusalem. Mark in this Hebrew means TAUV, the last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet.
  2. Revelation 14 people have the name of the father and the lamb written on their foreheads.
  3. Revelation 6:9 The Tribulation Saints “[souls] under the throne” who have an exact number that must be killed before vengeance is taken by God. Is their number one of the groups of the 144,000 or simply a great sea of people?

Different marks/seals mentioned in scripture:

There are 21 Greek words for “mark” and 28 words form “mark” in the Hebrew.
There are 6 Hebrew words for “seal” and 3 in the Greek.

  • Revelation 7:2, 3
  • Revelation 13:16, 17
  • Ezekiel 9:4-10
  • Revelation 14:1

Distinguishing or mentioned characteristics about groups of people in end time sealed or marked in one way or another.

Ezekiel 9

This book is focused on Israel, as is most of Revelation following the first four chapters that discuss seven the Messianic Christ churches.

  1. It is in Jerusalem, not throughout the world
  2. Those marked (tauv) lament the sins of the city (historical and present)
  3. The rest are slain without pity
  4. The context of this judgment goes back to Ezekiel 7:(1-10) but should include the entire chapter.

Revelation 7

This is very specific in identifying who that will be marked; 12,000 from 12 Tribes of Jacob (Israel). Dan has walked away and is not included as a tribe. Ephraim name is replaced by the name of his father, Joseph of Egypt. Manasseh is listed as one of the twelve Tribes.

Additional considerations:

  1. The souls under the throne and the handing out of white robes
  2. Those who appear in great multitudes that cannot be counted.
  3. Who are 24 elders?
  4. The woman in chapter 12 and the woman in chapter 15
  5. The dragon, 1st beast, 2nd beast

Personal Notes:











Chapter 10 of Revelation: Seven Thunders & Little Book

The last book of the Bible - RevelationsWoe, woe, woe (Revelation 8:13b)! Chapter10 begins the introduction to the 3rd woe. Like the 7th seal introduces the 7 trumpets, the third woe introduces the 7 vial (bowls) judgment; plagues or curses on those who have taken the 666 seal of the anti-Christ. We already have credit cards with embedded chips. We have computer programs and televisions that are voice sensitive. There are also control words that search or key in or when we type on line, send e-mails, or do web searches.

More Than A Data Center

More Than A Data Center

None of the network or cable news programs will report on such. Conspiracy? You decide as you continue to read these articles on Revelation. Perhaps it is prophecy being completed in clear sight, but no one is looking. This is all for national security… right?

Comparing this angel in chapter 10 verse 1 to the angel in Isaiah 14:12 and Revelation 9:1, this mighty angel in 10:1 “came down from heaven.” He was not cast from or fallen from heaven. This messenger is from God and comes with His blessing. As majestic as this angel is described, it is not likely it is Jesus as some commentaries suggest. Verse 6 in chapter 10 makes this abundantly clear. Recall some of the descriptions of Satan as an angel; Ezekiel 28:13. We also find two other strong angels mentioned in Revelation. They are found in Revelation 5:2 and 18:21. Each Revelation angel is identified as “another strong angel.” This means each is separate from the other two strong angels. One might make a connection with these angels and The Book of Daniel angels found in *10:5-6 and 12:5-7.

*this passage discusses the destiny of Jerusalem, the Jews and Israelites; Tribes of Israel [O.T]. These are God’s chosen. Gentiles [N.T.] are destined by his or her choice of accept or reject (staying neutral) of Jesus Christ.

The mighty angel in 10:1 has a “little book” in hand. He is so powerful that when he speaks, it is like seven thunders of voices. In verse 4 John is told to “seal up the message” but only after John hears each of the seven different messages from the 7 thunders. The reader must be cautioned at this point in Revelation. Things on earth are about to be totally altered at the hand of God the Father, Son [and Holy Spirit]. God made man and woman (Adam and Eve) to fellowship with him. Satan now knows his destruction is at hand. He pulls out all stops to help destroy man’s trust in God. His attitude is altered. He now wants to not only keep people from believing in Christ, but destroy what he can’t rule over. One might suggest Satan wishes to take to hell any he can keep from the Kingdom of God on earth… “…thy kingdom come, they will be done on EARTH as it is in heaven.”

John is the last of the disciples (Apostles). His revelation of Revelations is the final message of the Holy Word of God to us. The next step in God’s design is his kingdom on earth. No more revelations; no more sightings; no more written visitations; no more Bible. Read the last few verses in Revelation 22 and we see the seal of God’s hand on such events. Next stop? Jesus returns to earth to claim the Kingdom of God from all nations eventuating Millennial Reign.

Revelation Commentary puts it this way: (

“The single most important point of chapter 10 seems to be the angelic announcement that “in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound [the 7th trumpet], then the mystery of God is finished.” Now that we know this fact, there will be no need for the strong angel to descend from heaven to report a fact already known by the reader of the Revelation. “ [emphasis mine]

Much is ventured as to what this little book is and to its content. To hazard another guess serves little purpose. We understand according to scripture that it is “sweet to the taste but bitter to the stomach.” Ezekiel had the same or similar experience. In the Book of Ezekiel 2:9, 10 to 3:3 it reads in summary: “There were all kinds of sad songs, sad stories, and warnings.” Ezekiel is specific to Israel and a caution of worldly events to come. PS: this is also where one finds the proverbial Ezekiel’s Wheel passage.

The reason we won’t discuss or venture a specific guess to the contents of this little book in Revelation 10 is found in verse 10:4; the book is sealed up.” That which the Lord God orders sealed is SEALED. Mankind does not know what is in it until God reveals it. Any one claiming to know is speaking in scriptural ignorance or a deceiver. When the contents of this book is revealed, all will know.

What draws or should demand our attention is found in the next couple of verses. In short, it states… “there is no longer any delay. When this 7th trumpet begins to sound the mystery of God will be finished.” [Paraphrased from the KJV). There will no longer be any purpose to delay the understanding of God’s Mystery. It is again venturing a guess, but this could not only be the End of Time as created in Genesis 1:4, but as to whom and what is God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It may be a description of the Millennial Kingdom. It could be the nations of the world uniting against Christ’s arrival in Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives. Your education idea is or may be a solid as anyone’s. It is a mystery. The book was sealed up in John’s heart. No one knows until we all know.

Eine Frau sagt als Zeuge bei Gericht in einem Gerichtsverfahren aus. Wird vereidigt und schwört auf die Bibel.

We have a practice in our judicial system of lifting a hand and swearing to tell the truth. This is, was and continues to be a practice throughout the world. Even a salute is similar to showing one has taken an oath. The angel in verses 5 and 6 reflect this practice. So help me God…! This angel swears that esomai (should be) no time anymore. It is a futuristic but eminent event. Time will be no more. Just as we are promised a new heaven and a new earth, time will be senseless. This is the essence of eternity. It is not measured in time since time is no longer. This too may be what John read in the little book. Any church or gospel song proclaiming a number of years after this point, as well meaning as they are, are based upon bog thinking; i.e. dangerous grounds.

From this point forward in chapter 10 things move fast. John is told to take the little book from the hand of the great angel and eat it. It initially is sweet to the tongue. It might be similar to one eating something that is good, but later it is tough on the stomach; i.e. indigestion. John had a severe case of indigestion after eat the book. Again, to venture guesses at this cause and effect is at best speculation. However, we do know the result of this bad taste after-affect. John is told, this is why that which caused the indigestion is the reason he (verse 11) MUST prophecy again (palin) with a renewed spirit. He is exiled to the Island of Patmos when he writes Revelation. This tells him that he will soon be released and must continue doing what it was that got him exiled in the first place.

In chapter 11 of Revelation, there is a significant shift in time and events. We now find ourselves studying the events of the Tribulation. This is the two witnesses. I will speculate at their identity in the next article in our Revelation Study. It will be nothing upon which to build doctrine but it will be supported by other scripture.

Dr. jStarkRev. Dr. James Stark

December 2015

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The last book of the Bible - RevelationsChapter 6 of Revelation is a turning point in the prophecy of this final book of the New Testament and the Bible. This is the chapter of the Scroll “SEALS.” There are a total of seven seals. Chapter 6 discusses 6 of these seals. This is also the chapter renown as the chapter of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. What so many do sometimes fail to understand is, the breaking of each seal is what releases each horseman. Chapter 7 is the breaking of the 7th seal. This helps us locate events in Revelation 6 and 7. In chapter there are 6 seals and in chapter 7 we find the 7th seal.. Seal number seven in the 7th chapter of Revelation is the sealing of the 144,000 witnesses and the seal of Christ on all who accept Him during the Tribulation. We will get back to Seals #5 & 6 later in this discussion, but for now we want to discuss the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.seal

i.e. Chapter 6 finds the 6 Seals broken and completed;

Chapter 7 finds the 7th seal opened, the sealing of the 144,000 witnesses from the twelve tribes of Israel and God’s wrath poured out on those who are not sealed in Him.

Each of the first four of the six seals broken “the lamb” in chapter 6, the only one worthy to open the scroll, reveal four different colored *horses:

Click on the accompanying graph to see the sequence of these four horsemen and their fulfillment of scripture during the Tribulation.             Tribulation graph

Seal #1 is the WHITE horse and rider;
Seal #2 is the RED horse and rider;
Seal #3 is the BLACK horse and rider;
Seal #4 is the PALE horse and rider.

*As you read this full article, allow for the possibility that there is nothing that demands in these verses or insists that the riders are different men, but possibly the same rider on a different horse; only his mission changes.

Before discussing seal #5 and #6, let’s discuss these four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Too often one will hear or read the short descriptions of these horsemen and then discuss or preach on what each signifies. This is almost too obvious. But, let’s put them into perspective with the Apocalypse of the (7 year) Tribulation. Here is what scripture tells us per the very first seal/horse-man.

Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering (nikaō) and to conquer (nikaō).
(Revelation 6:1-2)

What we learn from this passage is that there is the white horse, a rider with a bow, and that he is out to *conquer. What we only sometimes hear is what is going on as it compares or should be placed on an End Time Line graph.

The Koine Greek states the word nikaō is what we translate “conquer.” There is nothing in the Strong or Thayer translation of this word that suggests war type conquering… to overcome, the end result, maintaining ones cause, to prevail. One can do all of this by diplomatic treaty. Remember he has ONE crown and a bow without arrows.

Let’s step back and recall that the 7-year Tribulation is divided into two 3 ½ year periods of time and listed events. Israel is given a promise of peace for 7 years by someone (antichrist) who dominates global politics enough that Israel believes in his or its power to enforce this peace agreement. In other words, he has conquered the world diplomatically or with a show of unquestionable military force. He then breaks this peace agreement with Israel at the 3 ½ year point. This is the guy on the white horse who conquers. He has a bow in his hand, no arrows, but a crown (singular) is given to him. It is the antichrist who signs the pact of peace with Israel and our absolute indication that the 7-year tribulation countdown has begun.

This white horse and rider cannot be Jesus Christ. He comes with a sword on a white horse at the END OF the 7 year Tribulation. No one gives Christ a crown, but he is wearing many crowns. No other horsemen follow him other than his angels all on white horses; not a red, black, then pale horse. Seals 5 and 6 cement this truth. What follows the first white horse are three evil horsemen all bent on war, death and the destruction of ALL mankind.

If you have not previously clicked on the graphic link that comes with this article, please do so now. Notice that the first seal and this particular horseman on the graph begin the Tribulation and up to the 3 ½ year mark. This is when the Red horse and horseman appear. (JIV: I believe the horses change color for identity purposes but the horseman is one and the same. Each horse indicates a different calling or mission for this rider)

The Second seal; second horseman. A fiery Red horse appears at the breaking of this seal. This does not stipulate we have a different rider now in charge, It does however tell us that this guy takes peace from earth and causes huge conflict between mankind on earth… beginning in the Temple at Jerusalem where he sets himself up as a god to be worshiped. This still sounds like the Antichrist from the white horse and seal #1. It could simply mean that he has changed steeds from a peace-keeper (deception) to a war monger; i.e. the fire-red horse. What we do know for a fact is he breaks the covenant at the 3 ½ year mark. He signed one with Israel assuring their peace for 7 years. Deception is now running rampant in the world. People are scrambling and begin fighting amongst themselves.

This fits perfectly on the graph as located at or shortly after the 3 ½ year Tribulation mid-point. What we know about Islam today and their actions as Muslim (means life style believers), it makes it highly unlikely Islam is going to simply go away. We should factor this into any thoughts that this conflict between men beginning at the 3 ½ year juncture of the Tribulation may be as political as it is cult or religious based. (Be patient; when we get to the pale horse, things will begin to make a lot of sense)

Since the second half of the Tribulation is identified as the Great Tribulation; Jacobs trouble (Jeremiah 30:4-7), there is going to be much bloodshed and conflict with it beginning in Israel/Jerusalem and the Temple Mount that Islam believes to be one of their top three holy places. Not just with Israel, but with world leaders and those trying to become world leaders. The antichrist is the one on top, but even he has to put down three of the ten nations in their military alliance when they rebel per his policies, dominance, or fighting tactics. (Read Jeremiah 1:10, Joel 3:2, Daniel 7:23, 24)

imageofhorseThe Black horse (third seal and rider: This rider is renowned for the scales (of his justice?) in his hand. Since this article identifies these scales as “to take or not take” the seal of 666 (antichrist)” this could still be same person or his agent using a different tactic to conquer.

And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
(Revelation 6:4; NIV)

Great famine and economic inflation occur at this time. Let’s consider the mark of the beast discussed in Revelation 13. This famine for some may reflect that if one does not receive the mark of the beast, s/he cannot buy, sell or trade in the globally controlled market. This seal is on his or her hand or forehead. Replacing “discriminatory evangelical practices,” such as not politically correct beliefs, will be a *semi-global world false religion. It is likely this is when Islamist’s are given a portion of the world to run rampant and this world false prophet religion, mostly in of the western powers, temporarily controls the rest of the world. The mark of the beast may or may not be a factor with Islamist’s and in fact may be the grounds for breaking the forth seal thus entering the Pale horse and horseman.

*I say a semi-global false religion when there will most likely be two conflicting and at war false religions on earth at this time, The revived Holy Roman Empire of Europe (King of the North) and the Middle East and Africa dominated by Islam; i.e. the King of the South; controlling ¼ of the world.

The Pale horse is a yellowish-green color. This is the color of Islam today. If they are given dominance over ¼ of the earth as an appeasement with some deal to leave Israel alone during the first 3 ½ years of the Tribulation and in agreement with the anti-Christ, we now have the King of the North and the King of the South poised for a major head-to-head conflict.

Here is what scripture says about this fourth seal and Pale horse-horseman.

Revelation 6:8: And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

“…over a fourth part of the earth?” Simple mathematics tells us how and where this prophecy might play out. There is 57,000,000 square miles of habitable land on this planet. 71% of this world’s surface is water. In the Middle East there is 3,600,000 sq miles of land and Africa has 11,608,000 sq miles of land. This is a combined total of 15,200,000 square miles of habitable land. This is very close to ¼ of the total world land mass… 15,200,000 x 4 = 56,000,000. (CIA global land mass calculation).

There is great turmoil on earth during the tribulation. No one is simply sitting neutral on the sideline. This is a true global conflict; man slaying man; man jockeying for political power and dominance; great military forces trying to virtually eliminate each other; in short… mankind destroying mankind. This is precisely why Matthew 24:22 is written as a warning.

Zechariah 12:3b states “…And *all nations shall be gathered against it.” This is the net result of the Red Horse, Black Horse and then the Pale Horse and why the sequence is shown on the included chart/graph of the 7 Tribulation years. A huge number of mankind will be slain, Christian, Gentile, Hebrew, Israelite, Arab, … When the king of the North and the King of the South converge in the Valley of Jezreel to war with each other, about 50 miles north of Israel, they are joined by Russia and China from across the Euphrates. This is when they find a common enemy in the new guy on the block of world powers standing over on the Mt of Olives about 50 miles south of this 200,000,000 million man army; i.e. Jesus Christ on the Mount of Olives where he declares himself King of the World.

So ends our current discussion and graph help per Revelation 6
